Research at Ottawa Public Health

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The OPH Research Process

All research partners, participants, and principal investigators representing OPH must adhere to the OPH research process, an internal framework designed to promote ethical conduct and support OPH priorities through research. This process ensures that studies meet high ethical standards, address the health needs of Ottawa residents, and that the work aligns with OPH goals and commitments. Research projects must be scientifically sound, guided by best practices, and aim to improve the health of Ottawa’s diverse communities.

As part of the OPH Research Process, we request that researchers complete a Public Health Ontario Risk Screening Tool (RST) assessment, which applies a risk-based approach to ethics review. All initiatives receive ethical scrutiny proportionate to the level of risk they present. OPH also requires that researchers provide proof of Research Ethics Board (REB) approval from a Tri-Council certified REB before we approve OPH participation in any research project involving human subjects or participants. All research must be conducted accordance with the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS2): Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans.

We also assess the potential impact of all studies within a health equity framework. We consider how projects could both positively and negatively affect equity-deserving groups, and ask researchers if a Health Equity Impact Assessment (HEIA) has been or will be completed – a decision tool designed to help users to identify how their project will impact population groups in different ways.

OPH Evidence Spotlight 

Older adults and non-response to rabies post-exposure prophylaxis
This recent Ottawa Public Health-authored publication in Canada Communicable Disease Report (CCDR) discusses the approach taken after an older individual failed to respond to two series of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (RPEP) with intramuscular rabies vaccination. This case was brought forward to prompt discussion about potentially waning immune responses to rabies vaccine in older adults, and to encourage examination of current rabies exposure management strategies for this population.

Morrison R, Nguyen C, Taha M, Taylor RSL. Older adults and non-response to rabies post-exposure prophylaxis: Challenges and approaches. Can Commun Dis Rep 2023;49(6):282–7.

Research Projects: 2022

COVID-19 in the Urban Built Environment (CUBE): Evaluating the Use of SARS CoV-2 Environmental Swabs for the Detection and Surveillance of COVID-19 in School and Childcare settings
Led by the University of Ottawa, OPH’s Health Hazard Response team committed to being a knowledge user for this project. This study aims to validate viral detections of COVID-19 from floors within high-risk settings and study the utility of this approach for predicting and detecting COVID-19 cases and outbreaks.
Public Health Risk Assessment Tools for Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases 2.0. Best Practices for Urban Planning in the Context of Climate Change and Emerging Tick-Borne Diseases
Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by OPH’s Environmental Health team in the form of technical input, this study builds upon phase one of the successful 2016 project, “UPTick.” This project aims to characterize and monitor changes in tick populations and tick-borne disease risk in the context of urban development in order to inform community-based strategies for reducing tick-related risks to human health. A funding application has been made to the Canadian Institute of Health Research.
Cardiac Adverse Events Following COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine in Children and Youth: A Single Center Case Series
Led by the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and supported by OPH’s Epidemiology team, this study aims to characterize and compare clinical presentations of children and youth diagnosed with myocarditis, pericarditis, or myopericarditis associated with mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. The expected outcome is the generation of data that will be used by public health officials when making decisions related to the pandemic and vaccination.
The Safe High Study: Development of a Low-Threshold, Trauma-Informed Stimulant Safe Supply Program for People who are Homeless or Vulnerably Housed
Led by the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and supported by OPH’s Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Services team, this study aims to develop and test a safe supply program for stimulant users. A funding application has been made to the Canadian Health Research Institute.
Using Behavioral Science Approaches to Optimize Public Health and Social Measures that Prevent COVID-19 Transmission and Infection in Priority Populations in Diverse Urban Settings
Led by the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and supported by OPH’s Community Engagement Team, this study aims to connect members of identified populations with the research team and in-kind support. The goals of the project are to identify the barriers and enablers for different populations when engaging in public health measures as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic, and what behavioral science-informed strategies can be used to address those barriers/enablers to complement OPH’s existing strategies.
Indoor Temperature Study: Internet of Things – Data for Heat Alert Response Systems
Led by the University of Waterloo, this study was supported by OPH’s Health Hazard Response team through high-level guidance and the advertisement of our already existing resources to research participants on how to combat excessive heat. The study collected data on indoor heat during the summer months to develop a framework with recommendations for heat-health warning systems, considering both indoor and outdoor heat.
Understanding Modelling, Simulation, Visualization and Mapping Gaps in Public Health Emergency Operations Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Part of a much larger conglomerate of research projects to move forward on public health objectives in Canada, this study was led by York University and supported by OPH’s COVID-19 response team and Epidemiology team. OPH was asked to respond to a survey analyzing OPH’s emergency operations capabilities. The aim is to understand gaps in the use of modelling, computer simulations, and mapping in the emergency response operations of public health agencies across Canada.
 Validating gonorrhea and chlamydia self-swabs for out-patient use
Validating gonorrhea and chlamydia self-swabs for out-patient use
Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by the OPH Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Services Team, this project is a validation study of extragenital testing for gonorrhea and chlamydia in the out-patient setting. Clients of the OPH Sexual Health Clinic will be asked if they would perform at-home swabs for gonorrhea and chlamydia before their visit to the clinic. These same swabs will then be repeated at the OPH Sexual Health Clinic. All swabs will be sent to the Public Health Ontario Laboratory for processing. The researchers will analyze concordance between positive results and negative results to determine non-inferiority.
Wastewater Surveillance Enhancement
Ottawa Public Health was asked to support a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Alliance grant application as a partner organization. The purpose of the project is to build wastewater surveillance for influenza, RSV, and mpox, and potentially others. Other public health units who have participated in the Ottawa wastewater work done by the University of Ottawa will also be solicited for participation.
Lessons learned from the collection of sociodemographic data during the COVID-19 pandemic
OPH partnered with researchers from Peel Public Health (lead public health unit) and the Upstream Lab for a Locally Driven Collaborative Project (LDCP) through the Public Health Ontario (PHO) program. The program unites public health units (PHUs) with academic and community partners to research public health issues of shared interest. The researchers will review practices of sociodemographic data (SDD) collection across different PHUs, in order to document enablers and barriers that Ontario public health units’ experienced when collecting SDD during the COVID-19 pandemic. This will facilitate the development of recommendations to improve and expand SDD collection and use beyond the scope of COVID-19-related activities. Collection of SDD informs PHUs about who is utilizing their services and helps to identify and quantify disparities in health.
Public Health Organizational Capacity Study (PHORCAST) research project
OPH acted a participant in PHORCAST, a repeat national survey that monitors organizational capacity for chronic disease prevention (CDP) and/or healthy lifestyle promotion in all 350 public health organizations across Canada. Data from the first two waves were collected in 2005 and 2010 and data collection from a third wave is underway. Since 2010, major initiatives have been undertaken in Canada to enrich and expand our public health system. Information collected will provide critical insight into these changes, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, which may have had profound impact on organizational capacity for CDP in Canada. The data will continue to inform ongoing dialogue on national policy regarding the public health system in Canada. PHORCAST is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
How can primary care provider tools improve collaboration between local public health and community family doctors in addressing the health and social inequities of the COVID-19 pandemic? A review of the literature and subsequent key informant interviews
A collaboration between the University of Ottawa and OPH’s Public Health Medicine Unit, this project aims to undergo a review of the literature and conduct key stakeholder interviews of leaders, practitioners, and system-level thinkers in primary care and public health. The study will examine what specific tools or strategies have demonstrated or shown promise to improve collaboration between public health and community primary care providers in the Ottawa region in addressing the health and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially on marginalized populations.

Research Projects: 2021

UNICEF Child & Youth Well-Being Survey!
OPH acted as a participant in this UNICEF Child & Youth Well-Being Survey, a collaborative effort led by UNICEF Canada, and supported by the Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative, and the University of Ottawa. The results from the survey will help members of the collaboration and its partners to identify local issues that need to be addressed, leading to new policies and improved services and supports for all children and youth in Ottawa and the surrounding areas. 
GetaKit: Online Testing in Ontario (COVID-19 expansion)
Led by the University of Ottawa, funded by the Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN), and supported by the OPH Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Services Team, this study aimed to expand upon the existing Get-a-Kit online HIV self-testing project which increased the accessibility of COVID-19 testing to targeted populations in Ottawa. OPH located COVID-19 hot spots for the study and gave input towards participant eligibility, follow-up instructions, promotion of the study, and staff resources to complete follow up with participants.
Evaluating the effectiveness of commonly recommended heat mitigation strategies for limiting heat strain in elderly adults during extreme heat events.
Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by OPH’s Environmental Health Team, this study aimed to assess the efficacy of two highly recommended heat mitigation strategies for protecting the health and well-being of older adults during extreme heat events by generating novel physiological data.
Optimizing vaccine acceptance in the African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities in Ottawa
Led by Dr. Etowa at the University of Ottawa and supported by the OPH Community Engagement Team, this two-year study aims to optimize vaccine uptake in African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities in Ottawa. OPH is expected to contribute to the recruitment, training, and coordination of ACB community peers to assist with community engagement as well as space and resources to host events and educate the peers about OPH resources that ACB people can access.
Strengthening the capacity of healthcare providers to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) communities in Ontario
Led by Dr. Etowa at the University of Ottawa and supported by OPH’s Public Health Medicine Unit, this project aims to accelerate the use of evidence collected on the challenges experienced by ACB communities to develop, implement, and evaluate community-informed solutions to structural inequities including systemic racism that continue to hamper the response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The LIFe-Threatning Illness National Group (LifTING) Research Training Platform: Spanning boundaries between research and care
Led by the University of Toronto and supported by OPH’s Public Health Medicine Unit, this study aimed to support the development of interdisciplinary, interjurisdictional, and intersectoral open research training platforms to provide opportunities for research education, mentorship, professional development, and sustainable careers in research. This platform will provide flexible curricula for those who want to engage in research on life-threatening diseases associated with critical care illness.
Designing Cities for Active Transportation Pathing: Minimizing Adverse Environmental Factors and Promoting Healthy Living
Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by OPH’s Health Hazard Response Teams, this study aimed to simulate environmental factors under different scenarios for different neighborhoods to develop data-driven design principles for urban planning, mitigation of environmental factors through integration of greenspace into transportation corridors, and the promotion of revolutionary transportation technologies to support healthy lifestyles and communities.

Research Projects: 2020

Advancing Healthcare for COVID-19 in Ontario: Strengthening providers' capacity for best practices in African, Caribbean, and Black community service provision
Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by OPH’s KEPQ team, this research project aimed to strengthen collaborative partnerships and generate evidence-based models and interventions to strengthen the Ontario health system’s capacity to support African, Caribbean and Black (ACB) communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Long-Term effect of SARS-Co-2 infection on physiological and psychological health
Led by the Ottawa Hospital and supported by OPH’s COVID-19 response team, this research followed survivors of SARS-CoV-2 to detect any persistent or emerging abnormalities in physiological and psychological function. This type of research will be essential for guiding future interventions and strategies to optimize health outcomes and minimize healthcare costs related to COVID-19.

Research Projects: 2019

Psychometric Evaluation of a Measure to Assess Evidence-Informed Decision-Making (EIDM) Competence in Public Health Nursing
Led by McMaster University and supported by one of the OPH graduates of the Knowledge Broker Mentoring program, this study aimed to assess a new measure that could be integrated into evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) competence assessment in public health practice, to facilitate organizational planning and professional development. 
Oral health and dental care pathways of humanitarian migrants: advancing a mixed methods program of research
Led by McGill University, this research project explored how newly arrived humanitarian migrants understood oral health, access to oral health care, their current oral health status, and the barriers to accessing services. The project findings were published and can be found here:
Evaluation of a participatory learning initiative to build public health organizational capacity for action on health equity
OPH acted as a participant in this study led by the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH). This project study was an evaluation of the ‘Organizational Capacity for Health Equity Initiative’ by the NCCDH. The evaluation assessed the implementation of the initiative, the extent to which objectives were met and the perceived and actual impact of the initiative on its participants. Please see the following webinar published as a result of this study: The anatomy of a health equity-oriented organization: Insights on organizational capacity.

Research Projects: 2018

TOHAMO Study - Improving Breastfeeding Outcomes using an Innovative Youth-Informed Breastfeeding Program for Young Women
Led by the Ottawa Hospital and supported by the Healthy Growth and Development team at OPH, this project represented the second phase of a two-phase research study. The study explored the experiences of staff at St. Mary’s Home Breastfeeding Program and tapped into their recommendations for the implementation of this youth-informed program at other agencies servicing pregnant and parenting youth.
Based Nurse-Led HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Led by the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) and supported by OPH’s Healthy Sexuality Risk Reduction Team , this study examined the efficiency of a nurse-led version of the standard-of-care, physician-led pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for persons at risk of becoming HIV positive. This project examined the impact of such an approach to healthcare delivery, as well as patient care and satisfaction.
Qualitative Study on Ottawa Public Health's "Good Food Corner Stores"
Led by the University of Toronto and supported by the Healthy Eating team at OPH, this study aimed to investigate perceptions of Ottawa corner store owners and OPH staff as part of the Good Food Corner Stores (GFCS) Initiative that was implemented in 2016. GFCS was a comprehensive population health-focused model that promoted access to healthy foods. The study also explored stakeholders’ beliefs, attitudes, and perceived barriers and facilitators in relation to the initiative’s sustainability.
Mental Health in Ottawa's African, Caribbean & Black Community
Designed and led by the Mental Health team at OPH, this qualitative study aimed to better understand the experiences of Ottawa's African, Caribbean & Black (ACB) community in relation to mental health and advocated for better services and supports for people of ACB descent. The findings from this study helped to inform mental health strategies and services for ACB populations. Mental Health of Ottawa’s Black Community
Healthy Built Environment – A Provincial Framework for Healthy Community Design
Led by Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit and implemented locally by the Public Health Inspection team at OPH, this Public Health Ontario (PHO) Locally Driven Collaborative Project (LDCP) aimed to provide public health professionals with evidence-informed resources to support a healthier built environment.
Exploring the benefits of utilizing rapid hepatitis C testing with a high-risk drug using population
An OPH innovation-fund funded project that was conducted by the Healthy Sexuality and Risk Reduction team, this study examined the efficiency of a newly approved point-of-care hepatitis C test to screen OPH’s site program clients for exposure to hepatitis C. Researchers assessed the impact of acquiring immediate results in relation to encouraging more testing within a high-risk population, earlier counseling, and better client outcomes.
Assessing Barriers to Immunization Access and Uptake in Ottawa’s Newcomer Refugees to Improve OPH Services
This OPH innovation-fund funded project was conducted by the Vaccine Preventable Diseases program at OPH, in partnership with Centertown Community Health Centre, and the YMCA family shelter. It aimed to identify barriers to immunization in Ottawa's refugee population in order to develop specific messages and tailor services to the needs of this population group in terms of access to immunization services.

Research Projects: 2017

Before Baby Arrives. An Innovative Strategy

Led by the Champlain Maternal NewbornHealthy Built Environment – A Provincial Framework for Healthy Community Design Regional Program (CMNRP), and supported by the Healthy Growth and Development team at OPH, this pilot study evaluated the effectiveness of the CMNRP postnatal checklist to help parents prepare prenatally for their new parenting role.

Monitoring Trends in the Prevalence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Associated Behavioural, Socio-Demographic and Systemic Factors, and Health Care Utilization among First and Second Generation African and Caribbean People who reside in Toronto and Ottawa

Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by the Health Protection Service Area at OPH, this research aimed to address the gaps in knowledge regarding the prevalence of HIV, health care access and utilization and systemic factors that may be implicated in HIV acquisition among African, Caribbean and Black populations in Toronto and Ottawa.

Community Management of Sexually Transmitted and Blood Borne Infections in the City of Ottawa: A Community Needs Assessment

Led by the Infectious Disease and Sexual Health Services unit at OPH, this project investigates community health practitioner needs with respect to sexually transmitted infections through a community needs assessment that includes an extensive literature review, a survey, and qualitative interviews conducted with health care practitioners in the City of Ottawa.

Identifying Indicators and Processes for Sharing Local Health Equity Data with Community Partners (Locally Driven Collaborative Project)

Led by the Niagara Region Health Unit and supported by the Health Protection Service Area at OPH, this project aimed to identify best practices for selecting, analyzing and distributing key behavioural and health outcome data for health equity work, using a collaborative approach that encourages leadership among community partners and fostered sustainable data sharing opportunities between local public health agencies and their partners.

Physical Activity and Dietary Implications Throughout Pregnancy (PLACENTA)

Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by the Healthy Growth and Development unit at OPH, this project took a comprehensive look at the role of physical activity during pregnancy in regulating gene expression and metabolic function in the placenta.

Public Consultation on Marketing to Children and Youth: Youth Consultation

Led by OPH’s Chronic Disease Injury Prevention unit, this project was part of a larger, community-wide public consultation on the issue of food and beverage marketing to children and youth.

Strengthening a Population Health Approach for Health System Planning

Led by OPH’s Knowledge Exchange, Planning and Quality Service Area, this research aimed to answer the question, "What are the key elements for a successful collaboration between Local Health Integration Networks and Public Health Units, as required by Patients First legislation, to achieve an improved health system in Ontario using a population health approach?"

Focus Group on Transitioning Maternal and Newborn Care from Hospital to Community

Led by the Champlain Maternal, Newborn Regional Program (CMNRP) and supported by the Healthy Growth and Development unit at OPH, this project aimed to create a comprehensive care-mapping pathway for the maternal-newborn care spectrum (from pregnancy to the postnatal period) and to learn from community and hospital key stakeholders.

Healthy Eating and Active Living in Early Childcare Settings

Led by the McMaster University and supported by the Chronic Disease Injury Prevention unit at OPH, this project examines the impact of the Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) guidelines using a randomized, pre-test post-test study design with a wait control group.

Parenting in Ottawa Facebook Page Case Study

Led by Carleton University and supported by the   Public Information and Health Communications unit at OPH, this evaluation of OPH’s Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page described how the Parenting in Ottawa Facebook page, an example of social media was being used at OPH as a two-way communication tool for health promotion.

Validation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAAT) for Rectal and Pharyngeal sites

Led by Public Health Ontario and supported by the Infectious Disease and Sexual Health Services unit at OPH, this study aimed to validate the nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) for the sexually transmitted infections Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae of the throat and rectum with the aim of improving health care for the community. 

Public Health Risk Assessment Tools for Emerging Vector-borne Diseases

Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by the Health Protection Service Area at OPH, this study utilized OPH tick surveillance data to identify the risk factors, and to develop environmental risk models and risk maps for West Nile Virus and Lyme disease in the City of Ottawa.

The Breastfeeding Experiences of Older First Time Mothers: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study

Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by the Health Promotion Service Area at OPH, this study examined the factors affecting breastfeeding expectations, experiences and decision-making in older, first-time mothers.

Public health's response to HIV/AIDS in Ontario: A critical ethnography of case management nursing

Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by the Infectious Disease and Sexual Health Services unit at OPH, this study, examined the strategies used for HIV/AIDS case management and factors influencing decision-making and client experience, with the aim of identifying the best strategies for helping case managers engage people living with or at risk of developing HIV.

Cluster Busting: Integrating Whole Genome Sequencing with Enhanced Surveillance Data and the Development of Case Investigation Algorithms for Large Tuberculosis Strain Clusters

Led by Public Health Ontario Laboratory and supported by the Epidemiology and Evidence team at OPH, this study, which began in 2015 aimed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms of Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates belonging to the Manila strains using whole genome sequencing, and to identify sub-clusters and correlate the sub-clusters with the case epidemiological, geographic and clinical information.

Reducing HIV Vulnerabilities and Promoting Resilience among Self-Identified African, Caribbean and Black Men in Ontario

Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by the Infectious Disease & Sexual Health Services unit, this study targeted self-identified heterosexual African, Caribbean and Black men, to examine their sociocultural and sociopolitical conditions that contribute to HIV-related health inequities, examine their vulnerabilities to HIV, and identify the factors that promote resilience and reduce HIV-related risk and vulnerability.

Supporting Awareness and Uptake of Cancer Prevention Knowledge in Practice

Led by McMaster University and supported by the Public Health Medicine Unit at OPH, this project aimed to enhance the awareness and use of high quality research evidence on cancer prevention among Canadian public health professionals by implementing knowledge transfer strategies.

The acceptability and completion rates of a new 12 dose treatment (3 month) compared to the standard treatment for latent TB infection (LTBI) treatment in Iqaluit, Nunavut and Ottawa, Ontario

Led by the University of Ottawa and supported by the Communicable Disease Case Management team and Public Health Medicine Unit at OPH, this study aimed to determine the effectiveness of a new 3-month TB treatment regimen compared to the standard 9-month regimen, possible adverse reactions, and factors that influenced patient compliance.


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