Text on screen: Ottawa Public Health presents
Video description: Video begins with a shot of the vegetable fried rice dish.
Text on screen: how to make vegetable fried rice
Video description: Static slide with shot of the final dish.
Text on screen: Cooking is a skill, the more you practice, the easier it becomes.
Preparing healthy homemade meals can be simple, budget-friendly and even fun.
Video description: Close up on a person's hands slicing green onions with a chef's knife.
Text on screen: Watch the end of the video for hand washing and knife skills.
Video description: Screen is split between two shots. One shows lathering of hands under water from the kitchen sink faucet. The second shows a close up on a person's hands slicing green onions with a chef's knife.
Text on screen: Ingredients
- 2 cups (500 mL) water
- 1 cup (250 mL) rice
- 1 tsp (5 mL) oil
- 1/2 cup (125 mL) celery
- 1/2 cup (125 mL) onion
- 1/2 cup (125 ml) carrots
- 1/2 cup (125 mL) green pepper
- 4 eggs
- 1 - 2 tbsp (15-30 mL) soy sauce
Video description: Static slide with shot of the ingredients.
Text on screen: Make It Easier. Use 2 cups of leftover cooked rice instead of 1 cup uncooked rice. Use frozen or canned vegetables.
Video description: Static slide showing cooked rice and frozen vegetables.
Text on screen: Kitchen Equipment
- medium pot
- measuring cup
- frying pan
- knife
- cutting board
- mixing spoon
- measuring spoons
- small bowl
- fork
Video description: Static slide with shot of kitchen equipment.
Text on screen: Eggs are an excellent source of protein. They are quick to prepare.
Video description: Eggs are cracked into a bowl.
Text on screen: Preparing vegetables. Slice celery.
Video description: Close up on a person's hands slicing celery with a chef's knife.
Text on screen: Slice green pepper.
Video description: Close up on a person's hands slicing a green pepper with a chef's knife.
Text on screen: Slice carrots.
Video description: Close up on a person's hands slicing carrots with a chef's knife.
Text on screen: Slice onion.
Video description: Close up on a person's hands slicing onion with a chef's knife.
Text on screen: Prepare eggs. 4 eggs. Lightly beat
Video description: 4 eggs cracked in a bowl and lightly beaten with a fork. Shells discarded.
Text on screen: Cooking the rice. 2 cups of water. High heat.
Video description: Measuring cup filled with tap water. Stove top set on high. Water added to medium pot on stove top.
Text on screen: Add 1 cup of rice. Bring to boil. Simmer about 20 minutes.
Video description: One cup of rice added to the pot with water. Pot covered with a lid.
Text on screen: Medium-high heat.
Video description: Stove top set on medium-high.
Text on screen: 1 tsp oil.
Video description: 1 teaspoon of oil added to a frying pan on the stove top.
Text on screen: Add onion. Add 1/2 cup carrot. Add 1/2 cup celery. Add 1/2 cup green pepper.
Video description: Onion,carrot, celery and green pepper added to the frying pan.
Text on screen: 6 to 8 minutes until soft.
Video description: Vegetables are cooked until they are soft.
Text on screen: Add beaten eggs, stir well.
Video description: Beaten eggs are added to the frying pan with the vegetables. Wooden spoon is used to stir.
Text on screen: Add 1 to 2 tbsp soy sauce, stir well.
Video description: Soy sauce is added to the frying pan. Wooden spoon is used to stir.
Text on screen: Add 2 cups cooked rice. Ready when eggs are solid.
Video description: Cooked rice is added to the frying pan and stirred.
Text on screen: Enjoy - with a glass of milk or fortified soy beverage.
Video description: Final cooked dish shown in a plate.
Text on screen: Ottawa Public Health's bilingual logo: Eat Well. Be Active. Feel Good. Bien manger et bouger pour le plaisir de vivre! is in the centre of the screen. Created by Ottawa Public Health. Recipe used with permission from The Basic Shelf Cookbook, published by the Canadian Public Health Association, 2011.
Recipe available at www.ottawa.ca
Text on screen: Hand washing. Wet hands.
Video description: Hands getting wet under sink faucet.
Text on screen: Use liquid soap
Video description: Liquid soap dispensed on wet hands.
Text on screen: Lather & rub for 15 seconds.
Video description: Wet soapy hands are lathering and rubbing for 15 seconds.
Text on screen: Rinse well
Video description: Hands are well rinsed.
Text on screen: Towel or air dry hands, turn off tap with towel.
Video description: Paper towel is used to dry the hands while the tap is still running. Once hands are dry, the faucet is closed with the paper towel.
Text on screen: Knife skills
Video description: Close up on a person's hands cutting green onions with a chef's knife.
Text on screen: Use a sharp knife. knife. Hold firmly. Tuck fingers in.
Video description: Close up on a person's hands slicing green onions with a chef's.