Places to cool off in Ottawa - Interactive map and printable poster |
To locate a cool space near you, click and zoom to explore this map or enter a street name or a street address. Entering a location in the search box will generate a list of the 20 closest cool spaces. Clicking on any of the icons on the map will provide more information about the cool spaces around the clicked location. The map identifies City of Ottawa public spaces that are available. Please check the City of Ottawa's website for opening dates, locations, and hours of service of on for the following public facilities:
See the More Info button for details including hours of operation and if they are accessible. Swimming pools are the only facilities where admission fees apply. Not shown on this map are overnight shelters and services for people experiencing homelessness. To assist someone please:
- Call 2-1-1 for locations and access information for shelters in Ottawa.
- Call 3-1-1 to get assistance for someone who needs transportation to a shelter to get out of the heat.
Let us know what you think of this map and if you have suggestions for public facilities or spaces you would like us to add in the future by clicking the Feedback button on the side of this page.
Beat the Heat this summer |
When both temperature and humidity are high, it can be hard for our bodies to keep cool and not overheat. Extreme heat events can cause heat-related illnesses and in some cases, even death. Environment and Climate Change Canada issues heat warnings for Ottawa based on a forecast of:
- Daytime temperature of 31ºC or higher and nighttime temperature not cooler than 20ºC for at least two days, or a Humidex of 40 for at least two days.
Download the WeatherCAN app to get direct notification of heat and other extreme weather warnings to your phone. Who is at risk? Heat warnings mean extra precautions need to be taken by everyone. People at even higher risk of getting sick from the heat include:
- infants and young children;
- older adults;
- pregnant people;
- those who work or exercise outdoors;
- those with pre-existing health conditions;
- people experiencing homelessness; and
- people without access to air conditioning.
It is important to think ahead and plan for ways to stay cool and keep in touch with others who may have difficulty staying cool, especially during a heat warning. Please check the City of Ottawa's website for opening dates, locations, and hours of service for the following public facilities:
Protect yourself and help others during hot weather
- Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine.
- Avoid heavy outdoor activity.
- Wear a hat, light and loose-fitting clothing, sunscreen, and sunglasses when outside.
- Bring a parasol or an umbrella and water when leaving home in case you need to wait outdoors in the heat, such as waiting in a lineup.
- Cool off in an air-conditioned space when available including malls, museums, libraries, and movie theatres.
- Cool off in the shade or at a park or green space.
- Use a fan and mist your skin with water.
- Take cool baths and showers as often as needed or soak hands or feet in cool water.
- Breastfeed according to your child’s cues and drink plenty of water if you are breastfeeding. See our Parenting in Ottawa website for more info on keeping children safe during hot weather.
- Keep your home cool by closing blinds and curtains on any windows facing the sun.
- Open windows at night once the outdoor air is cooler than the indoor air; close windows in the morning before hotter air comes in.
- Use fans at night to help exhaust warm indoor air and/or bring in cool outdoor air.
- Talk to your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist if you are taking medications as some can make it harder to control body temperature.
- Stay connected with people in your community who may have a difficult time coping with hot weather and those who live alone. Check on them regularly.
- For people wearing a mask and undertaking physical exertion in heat, a mask can make the effort more difficult. Decreasing intensity and volume of work, more frequent rests, and more cooling breaks may be necessary. Discuss your health needs with your employer if your work demands will expose you to the heat.
Download our infographic on cost-effective ways to protect your residence:
Who to call for help and information |
- Call 2-1-1 for program information about and locations of drop in centres and shelters, community and health resource centres, food banks and community food programs and financial assistance with utilities. This service is provided by Community Navigation of Eastern Ontario.
- Call 3-1-1 to get referred to the best available shelter, or to get assistance for someone who needs transportation to get out of the heat. The City's 3-1-1 Line is available to respond to calls 24 hours a day. Calls are answered by the City of Ottawa Call Centre on a priority basis and referred to appropriate service providers.
- Call 8-1-1 Health Connect Ontario for non-emergency medical advice.
- Call 9-1-1 for medical emergency assistance such as heat stroke.
Stay healthy during a heat warning |
Heat illnesses are preventable. Extreme heat can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even death. High temperatures can put everyone at risk, but health risks are greatest for:
- infants and young children
- older adults
- people who are pregnant
- those who work or exercise outdoors
- those with pre-existing health conditions
- people experiencing homelessness
- people without access to air conditioning
Prevent heat related illnesses
- Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, preferably water and limit or avoid caffeine and alcohol.
- Avoid strenuous outdoor physical activity.
- Limit or avoid direct exposure to the sun.
- Dress in light and loose-fitting clothing and wear a hat with ventilation holes when in the sun.
- Look for shade or a cool shelter in an air-conditioned location if available.
- Never leave children, the elderly or pets unattended in a car, even with the windows open.
- If you don’t have air conditioning but have one or more large fans:
- When the outside air is cooler than inside, use a fan in or next to a window to bring in the cooler air from outside, especially from a window on the shaded side of the building. If a second fan is available, use it to blow air out of the home through a different window to help move cooler air throughout the home.
- If you only have one fan but want cooler outside air to come in to more than one room, open windows in each of the rooms and use the fan to blow air out of a window in another room or hallway – air will be drawn into the home through the other open windows.
- When it is hotter outside than inside, keep the windows closed and shaded and use a fan to blow air at yourself. Drink lots of fluids so you perspire normally – the sweat evaporates more quickly with air moving over it to help cool you off. Please note this may not be enough when the humidity is very high, it is very hot, or your body doesn’t produce enough sweat – in these situations you may have to seek a cool shelter.
- Breastfeeding babies/children should be fed following the child’s cues. Nursing mothers should keep hydrated in order to produce a sufficient amount of milk.
- Take frequent cool showers or baths. If you cannot shower or bath easily, sponge often with cool wet towels. Focus on cooling the back of the neck, under the arms and groin area.
- Soak feet and hands in a basin of cool water.
- Stay connected with people in your community who have a difficult time coping with hot weather and those who live alone and check on them regularly.
Heat, air pollution and sun safety High air-pollution and UV index levels often occur during hot weather conditions. People with breathing and heart problems, and parents and caregivers of children, should pay attention to the hourly Air Quality Health Index. Visit our Outdoor Air Pollution web page for more informaiton. Check the UV index forecast daily at, or in the local media. Choose a sunscreen and lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and SPF lip balm. Additional information Check out more resources on our website on outdoor air quality, sun safety, and water safety. Our Parenting in Ottawa website has information about keeping children safe during hot weather and the Ontario Ministry of Labour has information on managing heat stress in the workplace. You can also connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Sign up for weather advisories You can now get official weather forecasts and alerts straight to your phone with WeatherCAN, Environment Canada’s new weather application. This app will let you know when a heat warning or other extreme weather is forecast for our region. Download it now! |
Staying healthy during summer power outages |
During heat waves, thunderstorms or a high demand for electricity may result in power outages in your home - affecting your access to air conditioning or electrical fans. Extreme heat is hard on our bodies, which are not acclimatized to hot conditions. Exposure to extreme heat can lead to dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even death. Take the following measures to both prepare for and cope with extreme heat during a summer power outage.
Preparing for summer power outages |
- Weather-strip doors and windows to keep cool air inside.
- Cover windows that receive morning or afternoon sun with drapes, shades, awnings or shutters. Outdoor awnings and shutters can reduce heat that enters a home by up to 80 percent.
- Have on hand materials to make temporary window reflectors. Aluminium foil covered cardboard works well to reflect the heat back outside.
- Keep storm windows up all year.
- Have a heat emergency kit available that includes food, water and a battery operated radio and flashlight. Be sure to include food that will not spoil and does not require heating.
- Think about people who may need help in a heat wave. Make sure they are prepared and able to cope.
Learn more on food safety during a power failure. |
Coping with extreme heat at home during a power outage |
Keep your home cool
- Close all blinds and drapes on the sunny side of your home, but keep windows slightly open.
- Install temporary window reflectors between windows and drapes, such as aluminium foil covered cardboard. This will help reflect heat back outside.
Keep yourself cool
- Stay out of the sun and spend time on the lowest floor of your home where it is cooler. Spend at least two hours a day in a cool environment to cool your body during extreme heat.
- Drink plenty of fluids especially water. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Eat small light meals.
- Take frequent cool showers or baths.
- If you cannot shower or bath easily, sponge often with cool wet towels. Focus on cooling the back of the neck, under the arms and groin area. Soak feet and hands in a basin of cool water.
- Dress in light and loose fitting clothing.
- Avoid unnecessary strenuous work or activity outside, especially between 10 am and 4 pm. If work must be done, take frequent water breaks in the shade.
- Talk with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist if you are taking medications or if you are feeling unwell. Some medications make it harder for your body to control its temperature. Make sure to consult with your doctor if you are on a restricted fluid intake.
- Listen to the radio or call 3-1-1 for directives about cooling stations and emergency reception centres.
Stay connected and help others
- Keep in daily contact with friends and family to let them know how you are feeling. Ask for help if the hot weather is making you feel uncomfortable.
- Check on family, friends and neighbours who may need help coping with the heat, especially those who live alone. People with physical and mental disabilities will need assistance keeping cool.
- Never leave people or pets in a parked car, even with the windows open. The temperature will rise dangerously in only a few minutes.
What to do in a heat wave |
Protect yourself |
- Avoid outings and activities during the warmest hours (10 am to 4 pm)
- Stay in the shade or consider bringing an umbrella with you
- Wear light and loose cotton clothing
- Use sunscreen, and wear sunglasses and a hat outside
- Take water with you on outings
- Shut blinds and curtains of south exposed windows
- Keep windows shut as long as the outside temperature is hotter than the inside
- Open screened windows at night to encourage cool airflow
Keep yourself cool |
- Stay inside the coolest rooms in your home
- If you do not have an air conditioner where you live, use a fan and try to spend time in an air conditioned place for a few hours every day
- Take cool showers or baths throughout the day and cool your body with a cold washcloth
- Soak your feet or hands in cold water to cool your entire body
Talk with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist |
- Consult your health care provider, especially if you are taking medications or feeling unwell
- Some medications make it harder for your body to control its temperature such as some antidepressants and Parkinson's disease drugs
- Consult with your doctor if you are on a restricted fluid intake diet He/she will need to adjust this amount during hot weather days
Drink lots of fluids |
- Drink 8 to 12 glasses of fluid every day. Fluids include: water, cold soup/broth, fruits and vegetables high in water content (e.g. melons, strawberries, peaches, peppers and carrots)
- Avoid or minimize drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks (coffee, tea, and some carbonated drinks)
- Eat smaller meals
Stay connected |
- Ask for help from a family member, friend, or neighbour if the hot weather is making you feel uncomfortable
- Keep in daily contact with your friends and family to let them know how you are feeling
- Reach out to people who have a difficult time coping with hot weather in your community and help them keep cool
Need more info? Call Ottawa Public Health at 613-580-6744 |
Effects of hot weather |
Prepare for hot weather to prevent heat-related illness and death. Our bodies take about two weeks to get used to sudden spikes in temperature. That is how people in hot climates and outdoor workers can tolerate extreme heat while others cannot. Children, the elderly and the chronically ill are particularly vulnerable to the effects of heat. Make sure that you and those you care for do not suffer unnecessarily during hot weather events. Check on those who may need help accessing air conditioning, such as the elderly and chronically ill, especially those who live in high-rise buildings. Watch for signs of
- dehydration
- heat exhaustion
- heat stroke
- sunburn
Dehydration |
Dehydration is caused by the excessive loss of water and salts from the body due to illness or from prolonged exposure to heat. City of Ottawa Paramedics would like to remind you that severe dehydration can easily become a life-threatening condition for infants and the elderly. Causes:
- Severe sweating
- Extreme heat
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Certain medication can cause the body to lose water, and, if not replenished, can accelerate the onset of dehydration
Preventing Dehydration:
- Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day - more when sweating
- Avoid strenuous work or sports activities during the intense sunlight hours from 10 am to 3 pm
What to look for:
- Thirst
- Dry skin
- Fatigue
- Light headedness
- Confusion
- Dry mouth (mucous membranes)
- Increased heart rate
- Increased breathing rate
- Less frequent urination
- Move the person to a cool and dry place
- Have the person lie down and rest
- Have person drink fluids such as water, juice or sports drinks
- Monitor the person - especially children and the elderly
Heat exhaustion |
Heat exhaustion is a non-life-threatening condition caused by the excessive loss of water and salts from the body due to prolonged exposure to extreme heat. City of Ottawa Paramedics remind you that continued exposure may lead to heat stroke, which is life-threatening. Young children and the elderly are most susceptible to heat exhaustion. Causes:
- Prolonged exposure to extreme heat
- Loss of body water and salts - usually through sweating
- Not drinking enough fluids
- Certain illnesses will also cause heat exhaustion
Preventing heat exhaustion:
- Keep cool - take frequent breaks when working or playing outdoors in extreme heat
- Wear light-coloured clothes and hat - they reflect heat from the sun
- Avoid strenuous work or sport activities during the intense sunlight hours from 10 am to 3 pm
- Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, preferable water. 100% juice or sports drinks also help to keep you hydrated.
What to look for:
- Headache
- Blurred vision
- Nausea or upset stomach
- Vomiting
- Sluggishness or fatigue
- Thirst
- Profuse sweating
- Moderate increase in body temperature
- Move the person to a cool and dry place
- Have the person lie down and rest
- Apply cool water to skin and reapply often
- Fan the wet skin
- Have person drink fluids such as water, juice or sports drinks (Gatorade™)
- Apply ice to head, neck, armpits and groin areas
- If the person is showing signs of heat stroke call 9-1-1 immediately
Heat stroke |
Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition. City of Ottawa Paramedics would like to remind you to seek immediate medical attention if you, or someone you know is suffering from heat stroke. Heat stroke occurs when the body cannot cool itself, usually by sweating and the internal (core) temperature of the body becomes too high. Children, seniors, outdoor workers and sports enthusiasts are most susceptible to heat stroke. Causes:
- The inability of the body to cool itself after prolonged exposure to extreme heat
Preventing Heat Stroke:
- Keep cool - take frequent breaks when working or playing outdoors in extreme heat
- Wear light-coloured clothes and hat - they reflect heat from the sun
- Avoid strenuous work or sports activities during the intense sunlight hours from 10 am to 3 pm
- Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day such as water, 100% fruit juice or sports drinks
- Do not drink caffeinated drinks or alcoholic beverages - they accelerate the effects of heat stroke
What to look for:
- Headache
- Dizziness
- Disorientation, agitation or confusion
- Sluggishness or fatigue
- Seizures
- Hot dry skin
- Increased body (inner) temperature
- Loss of consciousness
- Rapid heart beat
- Hallucinations
- Call 9-1-1 immediately - heat stroke can be deadly
- Move the person to a cool and dry place
- Apply cool water to skin and reapply often
- Fan the wet skin
- Apply ice to head, neck, armpits and groin areas
Sun burn |
Sunburn occurs when skin cells that are not protected from direct exposure to the sun are burned. Depending on the length of the skin's exposure the result can range from a mild burning sensation to severe blistering of the affected area. Research shows that repeated overexposure to the sun may lead to various forms of cancer including melanoma. Remember, there is no such thing as a healthy tan. Causes:
- Overexposure to the sun
- Children and people with fair or freckled skin, blue eyes, and light-coloured or reddish hair are generally more susceptible to sunburns
- Certain medications can cause the skin to burn quicker - talk to your pharmacist about what medications can cause this
Preventing sunburn:
- Stay in the shade and avoid the sun between 11 am and 4 pm when the UV Index is 3 or higher
- The sun's harmful rays can get through fog, haze and light cloud cover
- Apply sunscreen and lip balm with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) or 30 or more that protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Do not apply sunscreen to babies under six months
- Wear a wide-brim hat to protect the face, ears and neck
- Wear tightly woven clothing including long sleeved shirts and pants to minimize exposure to the sun
- Pay special attention around water, snow and concrete - they all reflect the sun and will intensify its effects
What to look for:
- Skin is red, tender and warm to touch
- Blisters
- Severe reactions such as fever, chills, nausea or rash
- Fever or chills
- Peeling skin several days later
Symptoms may not appear for several hours and the full effect of the burn may take up to 24 hours to occur. Treatment:
- Cool compresses, moistened wash cloths placed in freezer, or taking a cool bath will help minimize pain and swelling
- Apply aloe gel if needed; avoid use of creams or lotions that can hold heat inside the skin or contain numbing medication (i.e. benzocaine or lidocaine).
- Pain medications such as Tylenol™ or Advil™ may help to reduce pain and swelling - never give Aspirin™ (ASA) to children
- Severe sunburn requires medical attention, when in doubt consult your health care provider
Fan facts |
- use your fan in or next to a window, box fans are best
- use a fan to bring in the cooler air from outside
- use your fan by plugging it directly into the wall outlet
- if you need an extension cord, it should be CSA (Canadian Standards Association) approved
- don't use a fan in a closed room without windows or doors open to the outside
- don't believe that fans cool air. They don't. They just move the air around. Fans keep you cool by evaporating your sweat.
- don't use a fan to blow extremely hot air on yourself. This can cause heat exhaustion to happen faster
Resources |