⚠ Update: Read the Chief Public Health Officer's statement, from January 29, 2025, about measles and risks for Canadians indicating that Canada is currently experiencing an increase in measles activity. See below for details.
What is measles?
Measles is a highly contagious infection caused by the measles virus. It is contagious from 4 days before the rash starts to 4 days after the rash starts. Symptoms of measles can develop 7 to 21 days after exposure to the virus. If you have had contact with someone who has been diagnosed with measles, it is important to monitor for symptoms for 21 days after your last exposure. The measles virus lives in the nose and throat of a person who is infected and can be spread through the air (from breathing, coughing, or sneezing). The measles virus can live in the air or on surfaces for up to 2 hours.
Severe complications, while rare, include respiratory failure, encephalitis (swelling of the brain), and death. People at greatest risk for complications related to measles are unvaccinated infants, unvaccinated pregnant people, and people who are immunocompromised. Around 9 out of 10 people who are not fully protected against measles will become infected following close contact with a person who is infected with measles.
Current Situation
On January 29, 2025, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada released a statement indicating that Canada is currently experiencing an increase in measles activity, with recent cases reported in Quebec and Ontario that are associated with ongoing outbreaks. While international travel was the initial source of these outbreaks, all the people with recent measles infections were exposed to the virus in Canada.
Public Health Ontario reports on the number of measles cases in Ontario. In the last decade, there have been nine confirmed cases of measles in Ottawa, the most recent was in 2019.
Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent measles. Measles vaccines are tested and effective at protecting you and others from serious illness. Measles is a highly contagious, airborne disease that can lead to serious health complications.
Vaccination and travel
The best way you can protect yourself and others against measles is by getting the measles vaccine. This vaccine is combined with the vaccine for mumps and rubella and is known as the MMR vaccine. The MMR vaccine can also be combined with the varicella vaccine (MMR-V) for some populations. MMR and MMR-V are very safe vaccines and very effective against measles. Two doses of measles vaccination is 99% effective at preventing infection.
If you are travelling consult a health care provider at least six weeks before you travel to review your immunization history and make sure you are up to date with your vaccines.
Vaccination for children and youth |
In Ontario, as a part of routine vaccinations children receive two doses of measles vaccine before the age of 7.
Where to get vaccinated
Vaccination for adults |
Where to get vaccinated
What to expect after receiving the measles vaccine |
Reactions to the MMR (or MMRV) vaccine are mild and temporary. They include pain and redness at the injection site, fever less than 39°C. Serious side effects are rare. |
Reporting and updating your immunization record |
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) are responsible for updating Ottawa Public Health (OPH) every time their child receives immunizations given by their health care provider. Providing immunization updates to OPH helps protect you and the public in case there is ever an outbreak in our community. Doctors do not report your immunizations to OPH. Health care providers do not report vaccination records to Ottawa Public Health. Ways to report your vaccination record to Ottawa Public Health
Ottawa Public Health does not collect records of immunizations received for anyone 18 years or older, if Ottawa Public Health did not administer the immunization. Please do not submit records to us as we are not able to process them. |
Unsure of your vaccination status? |
Check your yellow Personal Immunization Record to see whether you got the required vaccines for measles when you were a child. For children and youth attending elementary or secondary school in Ottawa you may visit our Parenting in Ottawa webpage to see whether there is a record on file with Ottawa Public Health. For information on accessing your immunization records, as an adult visit, our Adult Immunization information page on OttawaPublicHealth.ca. If you are unsure, speak to your health care provider or the health agency outside of Ontario if that is where you would have received your vaccines.
Children who do not have or cannot access a regular health care provider can book a routine vaccine appointment and/or assessment at an OPH community clinic or at a participating partner through the Kids Come First Clinic Flow booking webpage. OPH is also offering routine childhood immunizations through its Neighbourhood Health and Wellness Hubs on a drop-in basis for people who may be facing additional barriers to immunization and reporting. |
Symptoms and guidance following exposure
Signs and symptoms |
Symptoms of measles may develop 7 to 21 days after exposure to an infected person. Symptoms include a high fever, runny nose, cough, drowsiness, irritability and red eyes. Small white spots may appear in the mouth and throat. A red blotchy rash begins to appear on the face 3 to 7 days after the start of symptoms, then spreads down the body to the arms and legs. This rash usually lasts 4 to 7 days. Symptoms generally last from 1 to 2 weeks. |
What should I do if I was exposed to someone with measles?
Depending on the situation, your vaccination history, and other risk factors, a public health official may advise you of the need to stay home from work or school, get tested, get preventive treatment or get vaccinated.
What should I do if I have symptoms of measles?
If you develop symptoms of measles, you should be assessed by a physician, and notify the health care facility that you plan to visit so that they are aware of your symptoms prior to your arrival. You should also wear a medical grade mask to the appointment. In the meantime, stay at home to avoid potentially exposing other people (“home isolation”). Measles is diagnosed by a blood test, a urine sample and a nasopharyngeal swab.
If you are having a medical emergency, call 911 or visit the nearest emergency department. Advise them of your symptoms, if you were exposed to measles and if possible wear a medical grade mask.
What is Ottawa Public Health’s role?
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) follows up with all people who are suspected of or diagnosed with measles and their contacts. If there are cases in Ottawa, OPH will work with health system partners, workplaces, and school boards to limit the spread of the virus. OPH also offers routine immunization services for children and youth who live in Ottawa and who are facing barriers in getting their routine immunizations in the community.
Background information
- Canadian Paediatric Society
- Measles: Symptoms and treatment - Canada.ca
- Well Child toolkit – Ontario.ca
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