Multilingual Resources for Diverse Communities

Last revised on September 21, 2023

For more information on how to book a bivalent COVID-19 booster vaccine visit

This page provides accurate, reliable and up-to-date resources to our local diverse communities in many languages. Some are translations of resources developed by Ottawa Public Health. Others are resources from provincial or federal organizations. 


Beat the Heat 

Download our Beat the Heat Factsheet



Beat the Heat Factsheet (pdf - 229 KB)

Français (French)

Combattez la chaleur cet été (pdf - 455 KB) 

Arabic ( العربية )

تغلب على موجات الحر الشديد خالل سنة  (pdf - 6 MB)

Simplified Chinese 中文 (简体)

战胜2022年高温 (pdf - 306 KB)

Somali (Soomaali)

Ka-adkow Kuleylka 2022 (pdf - 272 KB)

Spanish (Español)

Cómo vencer el calor en 2022 (pdf - 263 KB)

Mental health resources and services 

Resources and services for newcomer and diverse population:

Multilingual mental health supports are also available on the Multilingual Mental Health Resources for Diverse Communities webpage.

For more support and information visit Here you will also find a list resources and services for newcomer and diverse populations.

mRNA Vaccine Handout



Same Difference: MODERNA VS. PFIZER (pdf - 419KB)

Français (French)

Même différence : MODERNA C. PFIZER (pdf - 330 KB) 

Arabic ( العربية )

مقارنة بين لقاحي فايزر و مودرنا (pdf - 89 KB)

Simplified Chinese 中文 (简体)

莫德纳 和辉瑞 COVID-19 疫苗的区别 (pdf - 427 KB)

Somali (Soomaali)

 Isku mid ahaanshaha: MODERNA iyo PFIZER (pdf  - 70 KB)

Spanish (Español)

 Misma diferencia: MODERNA y PFIZER (pdf - 408 KB)
Examples of close contact
Examples of close contact

Who is a close contact? (pdf - 941 KB)


Qu'est-ce qu'un contact étroite? (pdf - 942 KB)

Arabic (العربية) تعريف حالة الإتصال الوثيق؟
Somali (Soomaali)


Hand washing and hand sanitizing 

Hand hygiene is the most important way to prevent you and others from getting sick due to an infection. Hand hygiene means to keep your hands clean by washing them often with soap and water or by using a hand sanitizer. Good hand hygiene is essential to reduce the spread of infection in your home, day cares, schools, work, stores, buses and trains, elevators and other public places.

More information and resources on how to prevent the spread of germs are available on our Stop the Spread of Germs page.

Hand washing poster




Hand washing poster - Ottawa Public Health

Français (French)

Affiche sur lavage des mains - Santé publique Ottawa

العربية (Arabic)

ملصقة غسل اليدين وقائمة الحقائق – صحة أوتاوا العامة

中文 (简体) (Simplified Chinese)

洗手海报 – 渥太华公共卫生局

中文 (繁體) (Traditional Chinese)

洗手海報 – 渥太華衛生局

فارسی (Farsi)

پوستر و گزاره‌برگ شستن دست - بهداشت عمومی اونتاریو

ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi)

ਹੱਥ ਧੋਣ ਬਾਬਤ ਪੋਸਟਰ – ਓਟਾਵਾ ਪਬਲਿਕ ਹੈਲਥ
Soomaali (Somali) Boorka gacmo dhaqashada iyo xaanshida xaqiiqada – Caafimaadka Bulshada Ottawa
Español (Spanish) Cartel y hoja informativa sobre lavarse las manos – Salud Pública Ottawa
Tagalog Poster ng paghuhugas ng kamay - Pampublikong Kalusugan ng Ottawa 
தமிழ் (Tamil) கை கழுவுதல் சுவரொட்டி - ஒட்டாவா பொது சுகாதாரம்
اُردُو‎ (Urdu)  ہاتھ دھونے کے متعلق پوسٹر – اوٹاوا پبلک ہیلتھ
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) Poster về rửa tay – Sở Y Tế Ottawa
Hand sanitizing poster




Hand sanitizing poster - Ottawa Public Health

Français (French)

Affiche sur la désinfection des mains - Santé publique Ottawa

العربية (Arabic)

ملصقة تعقيم اليدين وقائمة الحقائق – صحة أوتاوا العامة

中文 (简体) (Simplified Chinese)

手部消毒海报 – 渥太华公共卫生局

中文 (繁體) (Traditional Chinese)

手部清潔海報 - 渥太華衛生局

فارسی (Farsi)

پوستر و گزاره‌برگ ضدعفونی کردن دست - بهداشت عمومی اونتاریو

ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi)

ਹੱਥ ਕੀਟਾਣੂੰ-ਮੁਕਤ ਕਰਨ ਬਾਬਤ ਪੋਸਟਰ – ਓਟਾਵਾ ਪਬਲਿਕ ਹੈਲਥ
 Soomaali (Somali) Boorka jeermisdilka gacmaha iyo xaanshida xaqiiqaha - Caafimaadka Bulshada Ottawa
 Español (Spanish) Cartel y hoja informativa sobre desinfección de manos – Salud Pública Ottawa
Tagalog Poster ng pag-sanitize ng kamay - Pampublikong Kalusugan ng Ottawa
தமிழ் (Tamil) கை தூய்மைப்படுத்தல் சுவரொட்டி - ஒட்டாவா பொது சுகாதாரம்
اُردُو‎ (Urdu)  ہاتھ سینیٹائز کرنے کے متعلق پوسٹر – اوٹاوا پبلک ہیلتھ
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) Poster về sát trùng tay - Sở Y Tế Ottawa

Cough etiquette

To stop the spread of germs that can make others sick, you should always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and put your used tissue in a waste basket. If you don't have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve, not your hand.

More information and resources on cough etiquette are on Stop the Spread of Germs page.

Cough etiquette poster
English Ottawa Public Health - Cover your cough
Français (French) Affiche sur couvrir sa toux - Santé publique Ottawa
العربية (Arabic) ملصق قواعد السعال وقائمة الحقائق – صحة أوتاوا العامة
中文 (简体) (Simplified Chinese) 咳嗽礼仪海报 – 渥太华公共卫生局 
中文 (繁體) (Traditional Chinese) 咳嗽禮儀海報 - 渥太華衛生局
فارسی (Farsi) پوستر و گزاره‌برگ آداب سرفه کردن - بهداشت عمومی اونتاریو
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi) ਖੰਘਣਦੇਸਲੀਕੇਬਾਬਤਪੋਸਟਰ– ਓਟਾਵਾਪਬਲਿਕਹੈਲਥ
Soomaali (Somali) Boorka edaabta qufaca iyo xaanshida xaqiiqaha - Caafimaadka Bulshada Ottawa
Español (Spanish) Cartel y hoja informativa sobre instrucciones al toser – Salud Pública Ottawa
Tagalog Poster ng tamang pag-ubo - Pampublikong Kalusugan ng Ottawa
தமிழ் (Tamil) இருமும்போது பின்பற்ற வேண்டிய விதிமுறைகள் சுவரொட்டி- ஒட்டாவா பொது சுகாதாரம்
اُردُو‎ (Urdu) کھانسی کرنے کے طریقے کے متعلق پوسٹر – اوٹاوا پبلک ہیلتھ
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) Poster về cách thức ho - Sở Y Tế Ottawa



Please see Self-Isolation Instructions for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage by Ottawa Public Health for information. 

Somali, Arabic and Chinese Hub pages 

Somali Hub - Ottawa Public Health

Arabic Hub - Ottawa Public Health

Chinese Hub - Ottawa Public Health

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COVID-19 vaccine myths videos

COVID-19 Vaccine myths

Dispelling the most common COVID-19 vaccine myths and conspiracy theories (English only)

Toute la vérité sur les mythes démystifié

19 الأفكار الخاطئة حول لقاح كوفيد

Khuraafaadka tallaalka COVID-19

COVID 19 疫苗神话


Multilingual mental health videos

Please watch these videos for ideas of ways to support your mental health and that of your loved ones. These videos are available in English, French, Arabic, Mandarin and Somali.

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Contact information

Provincial Vaccine Information Line

  • Monday to Friday (holidays excluded) from 8:30 am to 5 pm, Eastern Time
  • Call if you have questions about Ontario's COVID-19 vaccination program.
  • Service is available in multiple languages.
  • Telephone: 1-888-999-6488
  • TTY: 1-866-797-0007

Contact Us