Services in Ottawa to Help People Quit Smoking

If you are thinking about quitting smoking, you are not alone. Most people that use tobacco want to quit and have tried to quit several times. Quitting smoking is a process that takes practice. It takes more than will power; it is about finding what works for you and putting those tools to work to reach your goal of becoming smoke-free.

Developing a quit plan and seeking professional support increases your chances of quitting and remaining tobacco free. There are services in Ottawa to help when you are ready to quit smoking, including:

  • - A free, confidential service for online tips, tools, and support 24/7. For mobile customers, text messaging services available, Text iQuit to 123456 to register.
  • Telehealth Ontario - To get telephone based smoking cessation support 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, call 1-866-797-0000 or TTY at 1-866-797-0007. Services are provided in both English and French, with telephone interpretation available to support callers in more than 300 languages.
  • STOP on the Net is an online program from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) designed to help adults quit smoking.
    You can receive free nicotine patches and gum/lozenges mailed right to your door. Enough medication for 8weeks of treatment.
    To learn more about the program and enroll, please visit: Join STOP on the Net | Nicotine Dependence Services
  • The University of Ottawa Heart Institute 

Please click on the tabs below for more resources and services to help you quit smoking.

Community Resources
  • Contact your Physician
    • Your physician can offer advice about quitting and can provide you with information about medication that can help.
  • Family Health Teams' (FHTs) and Community Health Centres (CHCs) Quit Smoking Programs
    • Some FHTs and CHCs in Ottawa offer quit smoking counselling and free nicotine replacement therapy. Check with your FHT or CHC.
  • Pharmacists' Smoking Cessation Program
    • If you receive your medications through the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) program, check with your pharmacist to see if they are offering free quit support through this program. You may be eligible for Zyban or Champix under the ODB program.
  • Quash
    • Quash is a judgement-free app to help you quit smoking or vaping —the way you want! It’s specifically designed to help youth (14-19) quit.
  • Smokers helpline
    • is a free, bilingual and confidential service for online tips, tools, and support 24/7. For mobile customers, text messaging services available.  Access online and text services at SmokersHelpline.caText iQuit to 123456 to register.
  • Access MHA
    • Access MHA is free mental health, substance use and/or addiction support
  • 1Call1Click
    • 1Call1Click is a simple way for children, youth and families to access the right mental health and addiction care, at the right time.
  • Tools for a smoke-free life - Government of Canada
    • Learn more about the array of tools and supports that can help you quit smoking and to make a quit plan.
  • Consider the consequences of vaping - Government of Canada
Resources for Pregnant and Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding People Wanting to Quit Smoking

Nicotine Replacement Therapy can be provided to help you quit. Speak to your care provider or the Quit Smoking Program for more information.

For services available, please refer to the services above or the additional services below.

Additional Resources

 Construction Cessation Program

EllisDon, in partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society and Ottawa Public Health created: Build Smoke-Free, a tobacco cessation program designed to support construction and or trade workers seeking to reduce or quit tobacco.

You can use the videos and activities in this No Cost Quit Success Course to help you reduce or be smoke-free.

For more information about this partnership program, please email:

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