Journées Montfort: 19th Edition of Accredited Francophone Event, April 2-3, 2020
Posted on Thursday, February 27, 2020 09:00 AM
Initiative launched by the Institut du Savoir Montfort that aims to gather Francophone physicians and health professionals in Ontario.
OverviewThe JM is the largest francophone medical gathering outside Quebec. Over two full days of programming, nearly fifty experts will help improve practice by sharing their knowledge on various current health topics.
Dates / Location/ ProgramApril 2-3, 2020.
Ottawa Conference and Event Centre, 200 Coventry Road, Ottawa, K1K 4S3
Find full program here.
Medical Bytes Lunch and Learn: Upcoming Accredited Webinars, University of Ottawa
Posted on Thursday, February 27, 2020 09:00 AM
Upcoming Courses
A practical approach to imaging for differentiated abdominal pain
- Wednesday March 25th, 2020 | 12:15pm - 1:00pm
- Learning Objectives: By the end of the webinar, the learner will be able to: 1. Order appropriate imaging tests for undifferentiated abdominal pain 2. Interpret the findings from imaging and identify next steps in imaging.
Dermatology update : appropriate tests and monitoring of lesions
- Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 | 12:15pm - 1:00pm
- Learning Objectives: By the end of the...
Topic Suggestions Welcome: OPH 2020 Family Physician Update, Oct. 14th 2020
Posted on Thursday, February 27, 2020 09:00 AM
Building on the success of our nearly sold-out 2019 accredited Family Physician Update, Ottawa Public Health is hosting its 3rd annual continuing medical education event on Wednesday, October 14th at St. Elias Hall. Working again in partnership with the University of Ottawa’s Office of Continuing Professional Development, OPH is reaching out to hear your suggestions for topics and speakers.
You may also want to consider joining our Planning Committee, which is largely consultative. The commitment...
COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Posted on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 11:00 AM
To: Ottawa Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Walk-In Clinics, Travel Clinics, Community Health Centres, Emergency Departments, Infection Control, HEPCOFrom: Dr. Monir Taha, Associate Medical Officer of Health, Ottawa Public HealthDate: February 25, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
The Novel Coronavirus situation and Ontario Ministry of Health recommendations are evolving rapidly. Please check Ottawa Public Health’s (OPH) Physician and Health Care Professionals Coronavirus web page frequently for updates or call...
Rifampin shortage
Posted on Monday, February 24, 2020 08:00 AM
To: Family Medicine Physicians, Emergency Medicine Physicans, Nurse Practitioners, Infectious Diseases Specialists, Respirologists, Hospital PharmaciesFrom: Dr. Robin Taylor, Associate Medical Officer of Health, Ottawa Public HealthDate: February 24, 2020
Dear Colleagues,
Ottawa Public Health (OPH) has been informed by the Ontario Ministry of Health that there are shortages of rifampin, a medication commonly used to treat both active and latent tuberculosis (TB). Both sizes of capsules, rifampin...
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