Infectious Diseases Data and Reports

In this section:

Respiratory and Enteric Surveillance Dashboard

The Respiratory and Enteric Surveillance dashboard provides an overview of respiratory infections, respiratory outbreaks, and enteric outbreaks in Ottawa for the current respiratory surveillance season (the 12-month period from about September through August). 

Please click here to access the Respiratory and Enteric Surveillance Dashboard.

For more information on COVID-19, influenza, and RSV wastewater surveillance, please go to


Diseases of Public Health Significance Dashboard 

Cases of infectious diseases of public health significance (DOPHS) in Ottawa residents are reportable to the Medical Officer of Health at Ottawa Public Health under the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) and associated regulations.  Reports are made primarily by laboratories, but healthcare providers are also required to report.

The DOPHS dashboard provides an overview of diseases of public health significance in Ottawa, excluding COVID-19 and influenza. Data on COVID-19 and Influenza are presented in the Respiratory and Enteric Surveillance Dashboard. Data are presented as crude counts of cases in Ottawa residents and as incidence rates per 100,000 Ottawa residents. Case classifications are specified in the provincial surveillance case definitions outlined in Appendix 1 of the Infectious Diseases Protocol.

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the public health and health care sectors, there may be limitations with the 2019-2022 data presented in this tool. Trends should be interpreted with caution.

For more information on DOPHS and other non-DOPHS diseases, please visit our Public Health Topics –Diseases webpage.

For Ontario DOPHS surveillance data, see the Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports and Infectious Disease Trends in Ontario interactive tool. 

For Canadian vector-born disease surveillance data, see the Mosquito-borne disease surveillance: Seasonal update.

Supporting Documents for DPHS Dashboard


To enter the Power BI report using a keyboard, press Tab once after the "full screen mode" link and press Ctrl + Enter. A small box will appear in the top left corner of the report. Press Tab three times to navigate through the options and you will then be inside the report. From here you can navigate the content of the report using Tab and the other keyboard shortcuts enumerated in the Keyboard Shortcuts document.

Having trouble viewing the report? Try the full screen mode.

The following DOPHS data tables are available for download on Open Ottawa:

Open Data for DOPHS Excluding COVID-19 and Influenza

Updated daily

Updated quarterly

COVID-19 Open Data

Updated daily

Updated weekly


Influenza Open Data

Updated daily

Updated weekly

Infectious Diseases Reports

 State of Ottawa's Health Report, 2023

This report is a resource for OPH and health partners to help plan or enhance programs and services, identify strategic priorities, identify gaps, and monitor changes in the health of people living in Ottawa. This report also fulfills the requirement for public health units to assess and report on population health, as stipulated in the Ontario Public Health Standards.

State of Ottawa's Health 2023 Report (PDF) [9.5M]   

Archived Infectious Diseases Dashboards and Reports

 Archived Dashboards
Archived Reports 


 Special Focus COVID-19 Reports

Weekly Supplemental COVID-19 Epidemiology Reports

Ottawa Public Health’s weekly supplemental COVID-19 epidemiology report was produced once a week from June 17th to September 30th, 2020, and provided information not otherwise presented in the 1st iteration of Ottawa's COVID-19 Dashboard. As of September 22nd, 2020, all charts in the weekly supplemental reports could be found in Ottawa's COVID-19 Dashboard.


The data were pulled from The COVID-19 Ottawa Database (The COD) at 2 p.m. the day before posting. The COD was a dynamic disease reporting system that allowed for continuous updating of case information. These data were a snapshot in time, reflected the most accurate information that OPH had at the time of reporting, and the numbers could have differed from other sources.

Daily COVID-19 Epidemiology Reports

Ottawa Public Health’s (OPH) daily COVID-19 epidemiology report was produced daily from the start of the pandemic to the release of Ottawa's COVID-19 Dashboard (i.e. April 3rd to June 9th 2020).

The data were pulled from The COVID-19 Ottawa Database (The COD) at 2 p.m. the day before posting. The COD was a dynamic disease reporting system that allowed for continuous updating of case information. These data were a snapshot in time, reflected the most accurate information that OPH had at the time of reporting, and the numbers could have differed from other sources.

State of Ottawa's Health Report, 2018

This report provides an overview of the health of Ottawa’s population, including information about the demographic characteristics of Ottawa residents; key measures of general health such as longevity, disease prevalence and hospital visits; and behaviours that affect health, such as physical activity and substance use. More detailed information on the topics described in this report can be found in the health profiles available online at the OPH Research & Statistics web page.

State of Ottawa's Health, 2018 (PDF) [1 MB]

Epidemiology of Reportable Communicable Diseases, Ottawa, 2016

Epidemiology of Reportable Communicable Diseases, Ottawa [PDF 1.0 MB]

Enteric Disease in Ottawa Report, 2011

To better inform the planning and implementation of strategies that address enteric illnesses in Ottawa, Ottawa Public Health compiled the Enteric Disease in Ottawa, 2011 report, which provides data from 2010 about 15 reportable enteric diseases. The report includes the number of cases, incidence by age, sex and time of year, five-year averages and comparison with the rest of Ontario.

Enteric Disease in Ottawa Report [PDF 6.52 MB]

Enteric Disease: Knowledge to Action Report [PDF 886 KB]

Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexual Health in Ottawa, 2011

The Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexual Health in Ottawa 2011 report provides an overview of 12 types of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Ottawa, the number of cases, incidence rates by age and sex, 10-year averages, comparisons to the rest of Ontario, and a neighbourhood analysis of Chlamydia. The Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexual Health in Ottawa 2011: Knowledge to Action Report outlines OPH's role in the prevention and control of STIs and promotion healthy sexuality among Ottawa's youth and adult population. 

Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexual Health in Ottawa report [PDF 1.2 MB] 

Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexual Health in Ottawa 2011: Knowledge to Action Report [PDF 13.1 MB]

Tuberculosis in Ottawa, 2011

The Tuberculosis in Ottawa 2011 report describes the state of tuberculosis (TB) in Ottawa in 2010 compared with the past and describes disease outcomes, clinical management and risk to the population. Tuberculosis in Ottawa 2011: Knowledge to Action Report outlines OPH's role in the detection, investigation, treatment and prevention of TB. 

Tuberculosis in Ottawa 2011 report [PDF 928 KB]

Tuberculosis in Ottawa 2011: Knowledge to Action Report [PDF12.8 MB]

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