Hello, my name is Michelle and I work for Youth Services Bureau. This is part four of a four-part series on, 'Have That Talk'.
What should I look for if I think my teen is depressed?
Teenage depression actually happens more than we think. Experts say that one in five teens will access services unlike adults who can ask for help, so this is why it's important as a parent of a teen or an adult who is in contact with a teen to know what some of signs and symptoms are. There's a lot of pressure facing teens today from the natural course of going through puberty to trying to understand who they are and where they fit in. Teenagers express themselves in different ways. For some teens, if they are feeling depressed, they might isolate themselves or they might feel a great sense of sadness. Yes, those are symptoms of depression, but there are also signs to be aware of: increase in irritability, aggression and even rage, loss of interest from the things they used to enjoy, problems as school, low self-esteem, tearfulness or frequent crying, withdrawal from friends and family, changes in eating and sleeping habits, restlessness and agitation. There can also be a lack of enthusiasm, tired, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, reckless behaviour.
What should I look for if I think my teen is suicidal?
Just as there are as many myths about teenage depression, there are as many about teenage suicide such as if you talk about teen suicide you're planting the seed for teen suicide--that's not the case. In fact, the more you talk to you teen and you keep the lines of communication open and you are able to share your concerns, the less chances your youth is going to feel isolated and withdraw themselves. Some signs might be: openly talking about death or dying, it could be writing about death or dying, feeling like they have nothing to look forward to in their future, feeling like their future is bleak, there is an increase in weapons or there's an increase of interest in weapons. There are also other subtle signs that are very similar to depression such serious mood changes where a teen can go from feeling friendly or being friendly to being highly aggressive. If you think that your teen is at immediate risk of suicide then call 911.
How do I have that talk about depression and suicide?
There's actually four easy steps to do, using the acronym, TALK. T, which is talk. Offer support; talk to your teen and keep the lines of communication open being able to share your concerns with your teen. A, for asking questions. Be cautious when you're asking the questions that you're not asking too many at once. At the same time, it's okay to ask your teen, 'Are you feeling depressed? Do you have thoughts of suicide?' L, listen to your teen. Listen to them in a non-judgmental way. What they're feeling may not seem serious to you, but for them it can be really serious. K, Keep at it. Try and try again; if you're finding that your teen isn't answering you right away or giving you the answers that you need, continue to ask the questions, gather resources, stay connected.
Where can I access mental health services for my teen in Ottawa?
Youth Services Bureau offers a variety of mental health services in both English and in French. There is our crisis line, 613-260-2360 or 1-877-377-7775 (toll free outside Ottawa), which is a 24-hour 7 day a week phone line. There is our Youth Mental Health Walk-In Clinic, Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 8 p.m. 2301 Carling Ave. Ottawa, Ontario, where individuals who may not necessarily need long-term, but need immediate sessions. We also have our intake department, www.ysb.ca/mentalhealth, 613-562-3004(link is external), which meets with families for more specialized service, so if they are looking for family counselling they would connect with their intake department.
How do I support my teen living with depression?
Supporting your teen through depression can be a very bumpy process. At the same time it's important to be able to celebrate those successes. If your teen is talking, that's a success. If you're still resilient, that's a success. So, to be able to highlight those successes and to pay attention to them. Just as it's important for teens to have someone to talk to, it's equally important for parents to have someone they can talk to. This could be reaching out to a friend, it could be reaching out to a neighbour, it could be reaching out to a colleague. One, where you can talk about how stressful it is or how worried you are. Being a parent of a teen can also carry a sense of guilt; it's important for self-care to be able to share what it is you are feeling; that's really going to be what's going to keep you going for the next day to be able to support your teen the way that you want to.
Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa Walk-in Clinic: Tuesdays and Thursdays - Noon to 8 PM 2301 Carling Avenue 24/7 Crisis Line: 613-260-2360 or 1-877-377-7775 (toll free outside Ottawa) www.ysb.ca/mentalhealth 613-562-3004
To find out more about mental health, visit: eMentalHealth.ca Need more support? Visit Ottawa.ca/MentalHealthResources haveTHATtalk.com by Ottawa Public Health haveTHATtalk.com a special thanks to Bell Let's Talk Day.