Information for Professionals

Last revised: August 10, 2023

Information for Pharmacists 

Naloxone Distribution

Interested in collaborating with OPH to deliver group naloxone trainings where we can train together, and you can distribute kits to Ottawa residents? 

Send an email to Ottawa Public Health's Addictions and Substance Use Health team at to discuss more.

Pharmacists are highly respected as the medication management experts of the health care team.  By becoming a participant in the Ontario Naloxone Program for Pharmacies (ONPP), your pharmacy can increase access to naloxone and be part of the enhanced response to overdose prevention in our community.

For more information about opioids, naloxone and the ONPP visit the links below:

  • Ministry of Health and Ministry of Long Term Care  (Eng) (Fr)
  • Ontario Pharmacists Association

Unused or Expired Medication Disposal at Pharmacies

Pharmacies play a fundamental role in raising awareness about the importance of properly disposing of unused or expired medications by providing a drop-off location for such medications as over-the-counter, prescription and natural health products through Health Products Stewardship Associations' (HPSA) Ontario Medications Return Program (OMRP), and for sharps materials and devices through its Sharps Collection Program (OSCP).

For more information visit the link below:

  • Health Products Stewardship Association – Information for Pharmacists regarding Medication Return program (English only)

For opioid inquiries or Naloxone training, please contact the Ottawa Public Health Information Line at or call 613-580-6744 ( TTY: 613-580-9656, Toll free: 1-866-426-8885) Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed on statutory holidays).

Find Your Way Community Resource Guide

A picture of a thumbnail of the Find Your Way Community Resource Guide.

The “Find Your Way Community Resource Guide” provides both practitioners and service recipients contact information for organizations such as drug treatment centres, crisis lines, shelters, locations to pick up safer injection and inhalation supplies, as well as information on other community agencies. 

For additional support, visit the Mental Health and Substance Use Health Services and Resources webpage.

Revised August 20, 2024




The Ottawa Mission         

35 Waller St., 613-234-1144

The Salvation Army          

171 George St., 613-241-1573

Shepherds of Good Hope

230 Murray St., 613-241-6494

(YSB) Young Men’s Emergency Shelter




Cornerstone Emergency Shelter          

613-237-4669 ext. 300

Women’s Transitional Emergency Shelter Program, Shepherds of Good Hope

256 King Edward Ave., 613-688-2929 ext. 322

(YSB) Young Women’s Emergency Shelter




Chrysalis House, 613-591-5901

Interval House, 613-234-5181

Maison D’Amitié, 613-747-0020

Nelson House, 613-225-3129



YMCA/YWCA, 180 Argyle Ave., 613-237-1320, 311



Carling Family Shelter, 613-820-9909

Needles and safer inhalation equipment public locations

AIDS Committee of Ottawa

19 Main St., 613-238-5014

Carlington Community Health Centre & 24 Community Health Box

900 Merivale Rd., 613-722-4000 ext.260

Belong Ottawa @ Centre 454

454 King Edward Ave., 613-235-4351

Belong Ottawa @ St. Luke’s Table

211 Bronson Ave., 613-238-4193

Centre 507

507 Bank St., 613-233-5626 ext.221

Centretown Community Health Centre

420 Cooper St., 613-233-4443 ext.2208

Max Ottawa

400 Cooper St. Unit 9004, 613-440-3237

Ontario Addictions Treatment Centres

1318 Carling Ave., 613-627-0856

263 Montreal Rd., 613-749-9666

401 Somerset St., West 613-233-1114

Onyx Community Services

311 McArthur Rd., 1-888-833-5303

Operation Come Home

150 Gloucester Street., 613-230-4663

24hr: 1-800-668-4663

Ottawa Inner City Health-Shepherds of Good Hope

265 King Edward Ave., (343) 996-4376

Ottawa Public Health, Harm Reduction Program

179 Clarence St., 613-580-2424 ext. 29047

Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre

1365 Richmond Rd., 2nd Floor., 613-820-2001

Sandy Hill Community Health Centre, Oasis

221 Nelson St., 613-569-3488 ext. 2101

South East Ottawa Community Health Centre

600-1355 Bank St., 613-737-5115

Site Van       

613-232-3232 *Collect Calls Accepted

Somerset West Community Health Centre,

N.E.S.I. Room

55 Eccles St., 613-238-8210 ext. 2246

Somerset West CHC, N.E.S.I. Van


Terrasses Montfort Renaissance

1900 Blvd. St. Joseph, 613-424-3400

The Well

154 Somerset West., 613-594-8861

Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health

299 Montreal Rd., 613-748-5999 ext. 230

Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa

147 Besserer St., 613-241-7788 ext.300


Mobile and outreach services

Drug Overdose Prevention & Education Response Team (DOPE)

Carlington Catchment:  613-619-0584

Centretown Catchment:  613-619-0543

Somerset Catchment:  613-402-5189

Somerset West CHC, N.E.S.I. Van


Site Van, Ottawa Public Health    

613-232-3232 *Collect Calls Accepted

S.T.O.R.M. Van (Aboriginal Women)


SWCHC: Homeless Crisis Outreach Project

West Centretown:  613-447-0029

General outreach

Salvation Army Van

613-296-8355 or 311

StreetSmarts Outreach


Pharmacy-needle/Syringe 5-packs

Centretown Pharmacy

326 Bank St., 613-422-2900

Ottawa South Respect Rx Pharmacy

20-1800 Bank St., 613-424-9555

Palmyra Guardian

1013 Merivale Rd., 613-729-7117

Parkway Pharmacy

311 McArthur Ave., 613-749-2324

Respect Rx Vanier

45 Montreal Rd., 613-422-8181

Respect Rx West

14-2006 Roberston Rd., 613-680-6999

Respect Rx South

1800 Bank St., 613-414-9555

Shoppers Drug Mart

1300 Stitsville Main St., 613-831-0901

Swift Compounding Pharmacy

276 Bank St., 613-422-2202

Trust Care Pharmasave

1020 St. Laurent Blvd., 613-749-8577

Whole Health Pharmacy Ogilvie

1150 Cadboro Rd., 613-749-7455

Drug information and treatment

ConnexOntario: Community Mental Health and Addiction Services




Ottawa Withdrawal Management Centre

1777 Montreal Road., 613-241-1525



AccessMHA, 613-241-5202

Addiction and Mental Health Services,

Sandy Hill Community Health Centre

221 Nelson St., 613-789-1500

Addiction Services, The Ottawa Mission

35 Waller St., 613-234-1144

Alcoholics Anonymous Hotline


Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre

488 Wilbrod St., 613-563-0363

Canadian Mental Health Association

201-311 McArthur Ave., 613-737-7791

Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre

112 Willowlea Rd., Carp, 613-594-8333

Managed Alcohol Program

256 King Edward Ave., 613-688-2929 x336

Montfort Renaissance


Narcotics Anonymous Hotline


OASIS, Sandy Hill Community Health Centre

221 Nelson St., 613-569-3488

Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres

401 Somerset St. West, 613-233-1114

263 Montreal Rd., 613-749-9666

1318 Carling Ave., 613-627-0856

Recovery Ottawa

45 Montreal Rd.., 613-763-6882

306 Rideau St., 613-454-0321

2006 Robertson Rd., 613-903-6006

1800 Bank St., 613-425-9525

Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM)

613-722-6521, ext. 6508

Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services

312 Parkdale Ave., 613-724-4881

Serenity Renewal for Families

202-2255 St. Laurent Blvd., 613-523-5143

SMART Recovery


T.E.S.P Transitional Emergency Shelter Program, Shepherds of Good Hope

256 King Edward Ave., 613-688-2929 x349

The Oaks, Shepherds of Good Hope

1053-1057 Merivale Rd., 613-288-0374

Youth Services Bureau – Downtown Drop In

147 Besserer St., 613-241-7788 X300 or 400

Residential treatment facilities


Anchorage, The Salvation Army

175 George St., 613-241-1573 ext. 308/326

Harvest House

3435 Ramsayville Rd., 613-521-9114

Serenity House

103 Leopolds Dr., 613-733-3663

Sobriety House

90 First Ave., 613-233-0828

Terrasses Montfort Renaissance
1900 St-Joseph Boulevard



Empathy House

360 Sunnyside Ave., 613-730-7319

Vesta Recovery Program for Women

101 James St., 613-233-0353

Terrasses Montfort Renaissance
1900 St-Joseph Boulevard



Maison Fraternité

242 Cantin St., 613-741-2523



Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (Male & Gender Diverse)

1986 Scotch Corners Rd., 613-594-8333 ext. 3101

Dave Smith Youth Treatment Centre (Women & Gender Diverse)

1883 Bradley Side Rd., 613-594-8333 ext. 2207

Drop-in centres/day programs

Belong Ottawa at Centre 454

454 King Edward Ave., 613-235-4351

Belong Ottawa at St. Luke's Table

Temporary Location: 211 Bronson Ave.

Saturday Program: 70 James St., 613-238-4193 

Belong Ottawa at The Well

154 Somerset St W., 613-594-8861

Capital City Mission

521 Rideau St., 613-241-2407

Centre Espoir Sophie (Women)

145 Murray St., 613-789-5119

Centre 507

507 Bank St., 613-233-5626

Kind Space

400 Cooper St., 613-563-4818

Minwaashin Lodge Aboriginal

Women’s Support Centre

100-1155 Lola St., 613-741-5590

Oasis, Sandy Hill Community Health Centre

221 Nelson St., 613-569-3488

Operation Come Home

150 Gloucester., 613-230-4663

or 1-800-668-4663

St. Joe's Women's Centre

151 Laurier Ave. East, 613-231-6722

Shawenjeagamik Drop-In Centre

510 Rideau St., 613-789-3077

The Living Room, AIDS Committee of Ottawa

19 Main St., 613-563-0851

The Well (Women)

154 Somerset St. West, 613-594-8861

Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health

299 Montreal Rd., 613-748-5999

Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa

147 Besserer St., 613-241-7788

Crisis lines/crisis services

Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline

24/7 Crisis Line, 1-833-900-1010

Distress Centre (24 hours)         


Ottawa Hospital Mobile Crisis Team (Van)


Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre         


Ottawa Victim Services

600-250 City Centre Ave., 613-238-2762

Sexual Assault Support Centre (24 hours)


Suicide Crisis Helpline


Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa

24/7 Crisis Line: 1-877-377-7775, 613-260-2360

Sexual health, pregnancy and birth control

Planned Parenthood Ottawa

404-222 Somerset St. West, 613-226-3234

Sexual Health Centre & Gay Zone

179 Clarence St., 613-234-4641 (reception)

Ontario Sexual Health Info Line


YSB Youth Health Clinic

147 Besserer St., 613-241-7913 ext. 222


AIDS Committee of Ottawa             

19 Main St., 613-238-5014

Bruce House

402-251 Bank St., 613-729-0911

Bureau Régional d’Action, SIDA (BRAS)

(French Services)

109 Wright St, Hull, Québec., 819-776-2727

Oasis, Sandy Hill Community Health Centre

221 Nelson St., 613-569-3488

The Living Room, AIDS Committee of Ottawa

19 Main St., 613-563-0851

System navigation telephone lines

Client and Social Services Ontario


Health Connect Ontario


Ottawa Client Services


Additional Services

Dental Health Services

613-580-6744 ext. 23510

Gignul Housing Inc (Aboriginal Services)

396 MacLaren St., 613-232-0016

HALCO – HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario


Housing Help

502-309 Cooper St., 613-563-4532

Legal Aid of Ontario

73 Albert St., 613-238-7931

Men & Healing

209-1300 Carling Ave., 613-482-9363

Odawa Native Friendship Centre

815 St. Laurent Blvd., 613-722-3811

Ottawa Police Service


The Food Bank


The Ottawa Mission’s Dental Clinic

35 Waller St., 613-234-1144 ext. 314

The Ottawa Mission’s Primary Care Clinic

35 Waller St., 613-288-0460

University of Ottawa Community Legal Clinic

17 Copernicus St., 613-562-5600

Voice Found/Strength Found


Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health

299 Montreal Rd., 613-748-5999

Supervised consumptions services

Ottawa Public Health

179 Clarence St.

Sandy Hill Community Health Centre

221 Nelson St.

Somerset West Community Health Centre

55 Eccles St.

The Trailer, Shepherds of Good Hope

230 Murray St.

Drug Use and Overdose Statistics

Drug use may result in acute effects such as overdose (poisoning) or mental and behavioural effects (e.g., the “bad trip” or withdrawal).  Chronic use may cause other adverse health consequences. 

This section discusses the use of, and resulting acute morbidity and mortality from, drugs other than cannabis, alcohol and tobacco. For additional information on drugs please refer to Ottawa Public Health's Stop Overdose webpage. Information on cannabis, alcohol and tobacco use in Ottawa can be accessed on the following Ottawa Public Health data pages: 

For the most recent data from the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health 2023, visit the Mental Health, Addiction and Substance Use Health Dashboard.

Dynamic Dashboards

Opioid Overdose Data

Opioid Overdose Emergency Department Visit Count by Month (Updated Monthly)

Figure 1. Opioid overdose emergency department visit count by month in Ottawa, 2020 to 2023

Line graph of the monthly count of emergency department visits at Ottawa hospitals for patients diagnosed with an opioid overdose/poisoning.

Data notes

National Ambulatory Care Reporting System (NACRS), Canadian Institute for Health (CIHI)

  • This data is specific to opioids and so counts will be lower than counts of suspected overdose related emergency department visits.
  • Opioid overdose visits include unscheduled emergency department visits where opioid poisoning was recorded as the main or other problem. Unconfirmed diagnoses are excluded.
  • Counts include all patients with an opioid overdose who are seen at Ottawa hospital emergency departments regardless of the patient's place of residence. Patients who reside outside of Ottawa and are seen at Ottawa hospitals are included.
  • Counts include all overdoses, regardless of the intent of the person who overdosed.
  • Cases include all ages and all levels of severity.
  • Counts are preliminary and may change over time as data is updated.
  • This data is not specific to the type of opioid (e.g. heroin or fentanyl) or the circumstances of its use (therapeutic, recreational etc.).
  • Monthly counts of less than 5 will be suppressed for privacy purposes.
  • View data below or on OpenData Ottawa.
Data Tables for Figure 1


2023 Opioid overdose emergency department visit count by month, Ottawa
Month 2023Total ED visits for opioid overdose
January  84
February  94
March  101
April  123
May  135
June  107
July  151
August 124
September 93 
October  73
November  120 
December   86


2022 Opioid overdose emergency department visit count by month, Ottawa data table
Month 2022Total ED visits for opioid overdose
January 48
February 63
March 93
April 65
May 88
June 72
July 98
August 76
September 76
October 64
November 60
December 63

2021 Opioid overdose emergency department visit count by month, Ottawa data table
Month 2021Total ED visits for opioid overdose
January 74
February 63
March 86
April 86
May 112
June 89
July 77
August 106
September 67
October 98
November 78
December 88


Opioid overdose emergency department visit count by month in 2020, Ottawa data table
Month (2020) Total ED visits for opioid overdose
January 21
February 54 
March 64 
April 65
May 60 
June 63 
July 82 
August 120
September 90 
October 82 
November 43
December 72


Opioid overdose emergency department visit count by month in 2019, Ottawa data table

Month (2019)

Total ED visits for opioid overdose

January 33
February 35
March 34
April 58
May 58
June 52
July 44
August 33
September 27
October 31
November 46
December 36


Opioid overdose emergency department visit count by month in 2018, Ottawa data table

Month (2018)

Total ED visits for opioid overdose



















October 43
November 53
December 51

Opioid overdose emergency department visit count by month in 2017, Ottawa data table

Month (2017)

Total ED visits for opioid overdose




















Opioid Overdose Related Deaths

Opioid overdose deaths in Ottawa by calendar quarter
bar chart of opioid related deaths in Ottawa

Data notes 
  • Opioid-related deaths are defined as an acute intoxication/toxicity death resulting from the direct effects of the administration of exogenous substance(s) where one or more of the substances is an opioid, regardless of how the opioid was obtained. This excludes deaths due to chronic substance use, medical assistance in dying, trauma where an intoxicant contributed to the circumstances of the injury and deaths classified as homicide.
  • Reports only include confirmed opioid-related deaths for which death investigation results have indicated an opioid directly contributed to the cause of death
  • Deaths have been assigned to public health unit based on six-digit postal code of the residence of the decedent. If residence postal code was unavailable, the postal code of the incident location was used. If postal code of the incident location was unavailable, the postal code of the death location was used.
  • Data for 2017 - Q2 includes only two months of data (May and June). All other quarters include three months of data.
  • Data source: Coroner's Opioid Investigative Aid, Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario, extracted August 14, 2023.
Opioid overdose related deaths in Ottawa data table
Year and calendar quarterNumber of opioid overdose related deaths
2017 - Q2 13
2017 - Q3 18
2017 - Q4 28
2018 - Q1 14
2018 - Q2 14
2018 - Q3 23
2018 - Q4 31
2019 - Q1 20
2019 - Q2 19
2019 - Q3 11
2019 - Q4 15
2020 - Q1 18
2020 - Q2 31
2020 - Q3 38
2020 - Q4 37
2021 - Q1 37
2021 - Q2


2021 - Q3


2021 - Q4


2022 - Q1


2022 - Q2


2022 - Q3


2022 - Q4


2023 - Q1


2023 - Q2


Open data

The following data tables are available for download on Open Ottawa:

Drug Use and Health Impacts Data - Archived data

Drug use can result in poisonings (overdoses) or mental health related emergency department visits, hospitalizations or deaths. Opioids, in particular, have received a great deal of attention in the last few years as the effects of their use become more evident.

Due to the demands of COVID-19, this data has not been updated. We look forward to updating it in the near future.

Self-Reported Drug Use Among Ottawa Adults
  • An estimated 3% of the Ottawa population aged 19 and over reported using an illicit drug other than cannabis in the past year. [1]  This is not different from Ontario-less-Ottawa. Estimates cannot be made for individual drugs because of small counts. Self reports likely underestimate drug use due to the stigmatic and illegal nature of many of these drugs. 
Self-Reported Substance Use Among Ottawa Youth in the Past Year

In Ottawa:

  • Approximately 10% of students in Grades 7 to 12 use cough and cold medicine, opioids or other illicit substances. This is less common that alcohol or cannabis (Figure 2). 
  • More than 6,100 (14%) Grade 9 to 12 students used prescription medication (e.g., opioids, tranquilizers, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder medications) non-medically.  This is not different from Ontario-less-Ottawa. Non-medical opioid use was reported by approximately 4,800 (11%) Grade 9 to 12 students. [2]
  • About one in ten (9%) Grade 9 to 12 students reported using a substance other than alcohol, cannabis, prescription, or over-the-counter (OTC) medication (e.g., hallucinogens, cocaine, or ecstasy). [2]

Figure 2. Reported use of selected substances by Ottawa students in the past year, 2017

Figure 2. Reported use of selected substances by Ottawa students in the past year, 2017

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 2

Ottawa Public Health. Public Health Monitoring of Risk Factors in Ontario – Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey 2017. Centre for Addictions and Mental Health

  • The 2017 OSDUHS data used in this section are from the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and administered by the Institute for Social Research, York University. Its contents and interpretation are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official view of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
  • The Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS) is the longest ongoing biennial school survey in Canada, and the only province-wide survey of this population. The 2017 statistics are based on a random representative sample of over 1,400 Ottawa students enrolled in any of the four publicly funded school boards in grades 7 through 12.
 Data Table for Figure 2

Table 2. Reported use (% of Ottawa students) in the past year for selected substances, 2017
SubstancePercentage of Student Reporting Use
Alcohol 35.9
Cannabis 18.0
Non medical opioids (Gr 7-8) 8.6
Non medical opioids (Gr 9-12) 11.3
Cough/cold medicine 9.4
Tobacco 5.8
Illicit drug use (Gr 9-12) 9.9
Emergency Department Visits for Drug Use

In Ottawa:

  • Unintentional opioid drug overdose emergency department visits exceed overdoses from all other drugs combined (e.g., cocaine, barbiturates and amphetamines). Opioid overdoses have increased markedly since 2015 (Figure 3).
  • Young adults have the highest rates of unintentional opioid overdose emergency department visits, peaking in the 30 to 34 year age group (Figure 4).

Figure 3. Emergency department visits for unintentional opioid and non-opioid drug related overdoses in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017

 A line graph showing the count of emergency department visits for unintentional opioid and non-opioid drug overdoses in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 3

Unscheduled emergency department visits, National Ambulatory Care System (2008-2017). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care IntelliHealth Ontario. Extracted Oct 2, 2018

  • Data includes poisonings from opioids (T400, T401, T402, T403, T404 and T406) and non-opioid drug poisonings (T405, T408, T423, T409 and T436).
  • Data excludes intentional events (X61, X62 and Y87) and those related to cannabis overdoses (T407).
  • Data includes patients with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.
  • For clarity, rates are not graphed, but are provided in the accompanying data table.
 Data Table for Figure 3
Table 3. Emergency department visits for unintentional opioid and non-opioid drug related overdoses in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017
YearAll Opioid Overdoses CountsNon-Opioid Overdoses CountsPopulationOpioid Overdose Rates (per 100,000 population)Non-Opioid Overdoses Rates (per 100,000 population)
2008 103 63 869,015 11.9 7.2
2009 104 61 883,741 11.8 6.9
2010 128 62 899,016 14.2 6.9
2011 138 72 912,248 15.1 7.9
2012 153 68 924,466 16.6 7.4
2013 198 82 936,180 21.1 8.8
2014 196 87 946,870 20.7 9.2
2015 178 94 956,929 18.6 9.8
2016 243 115 973,481 25 11.8
2017 370 122 996,651 37.1 12.2

Figure 4. Emergency department visit rates (counts per 100,000 population) for unintentional opioid overdose by age group in Ottawa, 2017 A bar graph showing the count of emergency department visits for unintentional opioid overdoses in Ottawa by age group in 2017

 Data Sources and Notes for Figure 4

Unscheduled emergency department visits, National Ambulatory Care System (2017). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care IntelliHealth Ontario. Extracted Oct 2, 2018

  • Data includes unintentional poisonings from opioids (T400, T401, T402, T403, T404 and T406) and non-opioid drug poisonings (T405, T408, T423, T409 and T436).
  • Data excludes intentional events (X61, X62 and Y87) and those related to cannabis overdoses (T407).
  • Data includes patients with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.
 Data Table for Figure 4
Table 4. Emergency department visit rates (counts per 100,000 population) for unintentional opioid overdose by age group in Ottawa, 2017
Age Group (in Years)Opioid Overdose Rate (per 100,000 population)
Less than 1  No cases
1 to 4  No cases
5 to 9  No cases
10 to 14 5.8
15 to 19 40.5
20 to 24 55.5
25 to 29 71.7
30 to 34 83.4
35 to 39 50.1
40 to 44 33.5
45 to 49 51.5
50 to 54 32.1
55 to 59 37
60 to 64 27.1
65 and Older 17.2
  • A different pattern is seen when looking at drug-related emergency department visits for mental and behavioural disorders in Ottawa (Figure 5, Table 6). Non-opioid related mental and behavioural disorder emergency department visits exceed those of opioids and show an increasing trend beginning in 2015 (Figure 5). 

Figure 5. Emergency department drug-related mental and behavioural disorder visits in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017

 A line graph showing the count of emergency department visits for drug-related mental and behavioural disorders in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 5

Unscheduled emergency department visits, National Ambulatory Care System (2008-2017). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care IntelliHealth Ontario. Extracted Oct 2, 2018

  • Data includes mental and behavioural disorders for opioids (F110-F119) and non-opioids (F130-139, F140-149, F150-159, F160-169, F180-F189 and F190-F199).
  • Data excludes intentional events (X61, X62 and Y87) and those related to cannabis (F120-129).  
  • Data includes patients with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.
  • Rates are not graphed for clarity, but are provided in the accompanying data table.
 Data Table for Figure 5
Table 5. Emergency department drug related mental and behavioural disorder visits and rates as counts per 100,000 population in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017
YearAll opioid mental disorder countsNon-opioid mental disorder counts Opioid mental disorder rateNon-opioid mental disorder rate 
2008 209 1029 24.1 118.4
2009 229 879 25.9 99.5
2010 345 1014 38.4 112.8
2011 312 1005 34.2 110.2
2012 295 1008 31.9 109
2013 230 926 24.6 98.9
2014 236 1058 24.9 111.7
2015 285 1148 29.8 120
2016 294 1487 30.2 152.8
2017 395 1714 39.6 172.0


Table 6. Number of mental and behavioural disorder emergency department visits in Ottawa by drug type, 2017
Drug TypeNumber of emergency department visits
Multiple drug use 947
Cocaine 537
Opioids 395
Stimulants 209
Hypnotics 97
Hallucinogens 21
Solvents Less than 10 visits
 Data Source and Notes for Table 6

Unscheduled emergency department visits, National Ambulatory Care System (2008-2017). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care IntelliHealth Ontario. Extracted Oct 2, 2018

  • Data includes mental and behavioural disorders for opioids (F110-F119) and non-opioids (F130-139, F140-149, F150-159, F160-169, F180-F189 and F190-F199).
  • Data excludes intentional events (X61, X62 and Y87) and those related to cannabis (F120-129).  
  • Data includes patients with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.
  • Rates are not graphed for clarity, but are provided in the accompanying data table.


Hospitalizations for Drug Use

In Ottawa:

  • Unintentional opioid drug overdose hospitalizations exceeded overdoses from all other drugs combined (e.g., cocaine, barbiturates, amphetamines) (Figure 6).
  • Adults aged 65 and older have the highest rates of unintentional opioid overdose hospitalizations (Figure 7).  This group also has the highest rate of opioid prescription for pain (Figure 8).

Figure 6. Hospitalizations for unintentional drug related overdoses in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017

A line graph showing the count of hospitalizations for unintentional opioid and non-opioid drug overdoses in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 6

Unscheduled hospitalizations, Discharge Abstract Database (2008-2017). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care IntelliHealth Ontario. Extracted Oct 2, 2018

  • Data includes poisonings from opioids (T400, T401, T402, T403, T404 and T406) and non-opioid drug poisonings (T405, T408, T423, T409 and T436).
  • Data excludes intentional events (X61, X62 and Y87) and those related to cannabis overdoses (T407).
  • Data includes visits with Ottawa as the public health unit of the patient.
  • Rates are not graphed for clarity, but are provided in the accompanying data table
 Data Table for Figure 6
Table 7. Hospitalization counts and rates (per 100,000 population) for opioid and non-opioid overdoses
YearHospitalization counts for opioidsHospitalization counts for non-opioidsHospitalization rates for opioidsHospitalization rates for non-opioids
2008 32 16 3.7 1.8
2009 33 12 3.7 1.4
2010 15 13 1.7 1.4
2011 43 9 4.7 1
2012 45 15 4.9 1.6
2013 45 11 4.8 1.2
2014 55 23 5.8 2.4
2015 44 18 4.6 1.9
2016 64 22 6.6 2.3
2017 67 33 6.7 3.3

Figure 7. Hospitalization rates (counts per 100,000 population) for unintentional opioid overdose by age group in Ottawa, 2017

 A bar graph showing the rate of hospitalizations for unintentional opioid and non-opioid drug overdoses in Ottawa by age group in 2017

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 7

Unscheduled hospitalizations, Discharge Abstract Database (2008-2017). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care IntelliHealth Ontario. Extracted Oct 2, 2018

  • Data includes poisonings from opioids (T400, T401, T402, T403, T404 and T406) and non-opioid drug poisonings (T405, T408, T423, T409 and T436).
  • Data excludes intentional events (X61, X62 and Y87) and those related to cannabis overdoses (T407).
  • Data includes visits with Ottawa as the public health unit of the patient.
  • Rates for those aged 0 to 19 are suppressed due to low counts.
 Data Table for Figure 7
Table 8. Hospitalization rates (counts per 100,000 population) for unintentional opioid overdose by age group in Ottawa, 2017
Age Group (in Years) Hospitalization Rate (per 100,000 population)
0 to 19 Not reportable
20 to 29 7
30 to 39 7
40 to 49 9.1
50 to 64 7
65 and older 12.6

Figure 8. Prescription rates as counts per 1,000 population for opioid prescriptions for pain by age group in Ottawa, 2017

A bar graph showing the rate of opioid prescriptions for pain by age group in Ottawa, 2017

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 8

Ontario Drug Policy Research Network. Ontario Prescription Opioid Tool. Toronto, ON; July 2018. Available from:  [Extracted Oct 2, 2018]

 Data Table for Figure 8


Table 9. Individual prescription rates as counts per 1,000 population for opioid prescriptions for pain by age group in Ottawa, 2017
Age Group (in Years)Prescription Rate (per 100,000 population)
0 to 14 10.4
15 to 24 71.6
25 to 44 75.6
45 to 64 130.2
65 and older 197.6
  • Although non-opioid mental health and behavioural hospitalizations exceed those that are opioid-related, this difference has narrowed in recent years (Figure 9).
  • Table 11 shows the mental and behavioural disorder hospitalizations by drug type.

Figure 9. Opioid and non-opioid related mental and behavioural disorder hospitalizations in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017

]: A line graph showing the count of hospitalizations for opioid and non-opioid related mental and behavioural disorders in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 9

Unscheduled hospitalizations, Discharge Abstract Database (2008-2017). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care IntelliHealth Ontario. Extracted Oct 2, 2018

  • Data includes mental and behavioural disorders for opioids (F110-F119) and non-opioids (F130-139, F140-149, F150-159, F160-169, F180-F189 and F190-F199).

  • Data excludes intentional events (X61, X62 and Y87) and those related to cannabis (F120-129). 

  • Data includes patients with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.

  • Rates are not graphed for clarity, but are provided in the accompanying data table.

 Data Table for Figure 9

Table 10. Opioid and non-opioid related mental and behavioural disorder hospitalizations in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017
YearAll Opioid Mental Disorder CountsNon-Opioid Mental Disorder Counts Opioid Mental Disorder RateNon-Opioid Mental Disorder Rate
2008 85 216 9.8 24.9
2009 97 214 11 24.2
2010 104 214 11.6 23.8
2011 95 188 10.4 20.6
2012 103 189 11.1 20.4
2013 103 171 11 18.3
2014 138 177 14.6 18.7
2015 131 166 13.7 17.3
2016 176 228 18.1 23.4
2017 211 242 21.2 24.3
Table 11. Number of mental and behavioural disorder hospitalizations in Ottawa by drug type, 2017
Drug TypeNumber of hospitalizations
Opioids 211
Cocaine 137
Multiple drug use 104
Hypnotics 26
Stimulants 25
Hallucinogens <10
Solvents <10
 Data Source and Notes for Table 11
Unscheduled hospitalizations, Discharge Abstract Database (2008-2017). Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care IntelliHealth Ontario. Extracted Oct 2, 2018
  • Data includes mental and behavioural disorders for opioids (F110-F119) and non-opioids (F130-139, F140-149, F150-159, F160-169, F180-F189 and F190-F199).

  • Data excludes intentional events (X61, X62 and Y87) and those related to cannabis (F120-129). 

  • Data includes patients with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.

  • Rates are not graphed for clarity, but are provided in the accompanying data table.

Fatalities and Drug Overdoses in Ottawa

Unintentional Drug Overdose Deaths

  • In 2016, there were 45 deaths associated with unintentional drug overdoses, including overdoses where intent was unknown. The majority of these deaths (37, 82%) were opioid related (Figure 10).
  • Figure 11 shows the age distribution of unintentional drug overdose deaths in Ottawa in 2016.
  • The rate of drug overdose deaths increased 32% in Ottawa between 2014 and 2015 and only 6% in the rest of Ontario (Figure 12). The increase in unintentional overdose deaths in Ottawa and the rest of Ontario has been due to increased unintentional opioid overdose deaths (Figure 12).
  • Since 2014, fentanyl has been involved in the largest proportion of drug overdose deaths in Ottawa. For more information see the "Drug-related death in Ottawa, 2000-2015" report. 

Figure 10. Unintentional drug overdose deaths in Ottawa by type of drug involved, 2016

A stacked bar graph showing the count of unintentional overdose deaths by type of drug in Ottawa in 2016

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 10

Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario, extracted April 2018. Analyzed by Epidemiology Team, Ottawa Public Health.

  • Data includes overdoses that were unintentional or of unknown intent. Data should be considered preliminary. Data includes people with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.
 Data Table for Figure 10

Table 12. Unintentional drug overdose deaths in Ottawa by type of drug involved, 2016
Drug typeNumber of deaths
Fentanyl 18
Non-fentanyl opioids 19
All opioids 37
Non-opioid  8
Total 45

Figure 11. Age distribution of unintentional drug overdose deaths in Ottawa, 2016 (45 deaths total)

A horizontal bar graph showing the count of overdose deaths in Ottawa in 2016 by age group.

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 11
Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario, extracted April 2018. Analyzed by Epidemiology Team, Ottawa Public Health.
 Data Table for Figure 11
Table 13. Age distribution of Ottawa unintentional drug overdose deaths, 2016 (45 deaths total)
Age GroupNumber of Unintentional Drug Overdose Deaths
0 to 9 Years 0
10 to 19 Years 1
20 to 29 Years 8
30 to 39 Years 14
40 to 49 Years 11
50 to 59 Years 8
60 Years and Older 3

Opioid-Related Overdose Deaths

Total opioid overdose deaths include those that are unintentional, intentional (suicide) or of unknown intent.

  • There were a total of 64 opioid overdose deaths in 2017, an increase from 40 opioid overdose deaths in 2016 (Figure 12). The increase in opioid-related deaths is consistent with the trend seen in emergency room visits and hospitalizations: opioid-related harms have been increasing over the past few years (Figure 12).
  • The mortality rate resulting from opioid use was highest in the 45 to 64 year old age group in 2017 (Figure 13).
  • Fentanyl was the single most common opioid implicated in unintentional opioid-related overdose deaths in 2016 (Figure 10). In 2017, fentanyl was responsible for 72% of all-intent opioid related deaths (46 of 64). [4]

Figure 12. Total opioid overdose deaths in Ottawa and rates per 100,000 population, 2008 to 2017

 A line graph superimposed over a bar graph showing the count of all-intent opioid overdose deaths in Ottawa in 2008 to 2017.

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 12

Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). Interactive Opioid Tool. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2018. Available from:

  • Data includes all opioid overdoses and people with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.

 Data Table for Figure 12

Table 14. Total opioid overdose deaths in Ottawa from 2008 to 2017
YearCount of deathsRate of deaths
2008 14 1.6
2009 34 3.8
2010 22 2.4
2011 20 2.2
2012 19 2.1
2013 29 3.1
2014 30 3.2
2015 34 3.6
2016 40 4.1
2017 64 6.4

Figure 13. Total opioid overdose related deaths by age group and rates as counts per 100,000 population in Ottawa, 2017

 A line graph superimposed over a bar graph showing the count of all-intent opioid overdose deaths in Ottawa in 2008 to 2017

 Data Source and Notes for Figure 13

Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). Interactive Opioid Tool. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2018. Available from:

  • Data includes all opioid overdoses and people with Ottawa as their public health unit of residence.
  • The rates by age for a single year should be interpreted with caution because of low counts in some age groups.  
 Data Table for Figure 13
Table 15. Total opioid overdose related deaths by age group and rates as counts per 100,000 population in Ottawa, 2017
Age Group (in Years)Count of DeathsRate of Deaths (per 100,000 population)
0 to 14 1 0.6
15 to 24 7 5.4
25 to 44 25 8.6
45 to 64 28 10.5
65 and Older 3 2

Drug Use and Overdose Reports

Emergency Department Visits for Drug Overdoses in Ottawa, Archived Reports from 2017

Picture of report on emergency department visits for drug overdoses in Ottawa

Problematic Substance Use in Ottawa, 2016

This report focuses on the prevalence of use, and the associated morbidity and mortality from the problematic use of illicit drugs, excluding cannabis, and of opioid prescription drugs used for non-medical purposes.

Problematic Substance Use in Ottawa - Technical Report [PDF 2.5 MB]

Drug Overdose Deaths in Ottawa, 2000-2015
Report: Drug Overdose Deaths in Ottawa, 2000-2015 [PDF 834 KB]
Overdose and HIV and Hepatitis C Infection Among People in Ottawa who use Drugs, 2014

This report provides epidemiologic information about the risk of overdose and HIV and HCV infection among people who use drugs.

Overdose and HIV and hepatitis C infection among people in Ottawa who use drugs - 2014 [PDF 369 KB]

Ottawa Student Drug Use and Health (OSDUH) Report, 2014

The Ottawa Student Drug Use and Health Report 2014 offers a snapshot of health risk behaviours among youth in Ottawa using data from the Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey (OSDUHS).

Full report [PDF 875 KB]

Substance Misuse in Ottawa, 2013 
This report focuses on the prevalence of substance use and the attributed burden of mental health, addictions, injury and chronic disease in Ottawa. It is meant to inform an evidence-based dialogue in our community to foster effective health prevention, promotion and interventions related to substance misuse.

Substance Misuse in Ottawa Report [PDF 887 KB.]

External Links

Opioid-Related Morbidity and Mortality in Ontario
The Interactive Opioid Tool allows users to explore the most recent opioid-related morbidity and mortality data including emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths. Results can be viewed by public health unit, local health integration network, age, sex, and in some cases, drug type.


  1. Ottawa Public Health. Canadian Community Health Survey 2015/16. Ontario Share File. Statistics Canada.
  2. Ottawa Public Health. Public Health Monitoring of Risk Factors in Ontario – Ontario Student Drug Use and Health Survey 2017. Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
  3. Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario. [Extracted April 2018]
  4. Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion (Public Health Ontario). Interactive Opioid Tool. Toronto, ON: Queen’s Printer for Ontario; 2018. Available from:

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