What is the Small Drinking Water System Regulation?
The Small Drinking Water Systems regulation O.Reg.319/08 is a regulation that requires owners of small well systems that serves water to the public to maintain and monitor their drinking water to ensure that drinking water served to the public is safe.
Here are some examples of small drinking water systems that are regulated under the Small Drinking Water System regulation:
- Seasonal trailer parks, campgrounds or resorts with six or more connections
- Restaurants on private water systems
- Hotels, motels and bed and breakfast accommodations
- Recreational and athletic facilities
- Places of worship
- Places where service clubs and fraternal organizations meet
- Any place where the general public has access to a drinking water fountain or shower
Public Health Inspectors are here to help
- Small Drinking Water Systems are inspected by Public Health Inspectors from your local health unit.
- Public Health Inspectors conduct site-specific risk assessments on small drinking water systems within the City of Ottawa. Based on the assessment, a directive is issued to an owner which includes requirements such as water testing, treatment and training. This reflects a customized approach for each small drinking water system depending on the level of risk, rather than “one-size-fits-all” requirements.
Training for Small Drinking Water System Operators
- Walkerton Clean Water Centre Small Drinking Water Systems Training Course
- A Small Drinking Water System Operator Training Guide (pdf - 1 MB)
Get to know the law – Small Drinking Water Systems Regulation
Ministry of Health
- Laboratory Services Notification Form:
- The Laboratory Services Notification (LSN) form is to be used by small drinking water system owners/operators to notify the local public health unit in writing as to which licensed laboratories will test drinking water samples for their small drinking water systems.
- Small Drinking Water System Identification Form:
- The Small Drinking Water System Identification form is to be used by owners of Small Drinking Water Systems to notify in writing the medical officer of health in the health unit where their system is located before supplying drinking water to users of the system following construction or alteration of the Small Drinking Water System or following a shut-down of the system that lasts longer than seven days.
- Notice of Adverse Test Result and Issue Resolution Form:
- The Notice of Adverse Test Results and Issue Resolution Form is to be used by licensed laboratories and owners/operators of Small Drinking Water Systems to report adverse water quality incidents (AWQI).
Ottawa Public Health's Small Drinking Water System Seasonal Re-Opening Notice Form
Please provide a completed Small Drinking Water System Seasonal Re-Opening Notice Form and drinking water test results to the Ottawa Public Health a minimum of two weeks prior to the date you wish to open for the season.
Power outages and loss of pressure |
We would like to remind you that power outages and loss of pressure may compromise the safety of the drinking water in your system and are considered adverse events that must be reported to Ottawa Public Health. An on-call Public Health Inspector is available 24/7 to receive these reports and provide direction on corrective actions. If you experience loss of power and loss of pressure, it is important to do the following to ensure potentially unsafe water is not provided to the users of your system:
If you experience any water disruption, please contact Ottawa Public Health:
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