The Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) Guidelines in Retirement Homes (RH), developed by Ottawa Public Health (OPH), were established to assist retirement homes in improving access to healthy food through improved procurement and food skills, and to increase residents’ opportunities for physical activity.
In addition to the development of guidelines, OPH has developed resources for use by administrators in retirement homes.
Healthy Eating and Active Living Guidelines |
The intent of these guidelines is to enable retirement homes to promote and implement healthy eating and active living practices to residents so that they may live healthy, enjoyable and productive lives. Rationale for the GuidelinesOttawa has 12,750 retirement home suites and thirteen percent of Ottawa’s population is made up of older adults, 65 years and older, according to the 2011 census. Ottawa’s population is growing and ageing, and the number of older adults is expected to more than double over the next 20 years, reaching one fifth of the population by 2031. The later years of life can be healthful, enjoyable and productive if chronic diseases and/or decreased functioning and independence can be prevented or managed. These Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) guidelines for residents in retirement homes were developed using current evidence and best practices in the field of health for older adults in Ontario. They provide an opportunity for retirement homes to address some of the nutritional and physical activity challenges older adults face. The guidelines bear in mind the importance of keeping older adults healthy and active longer to prevent the onset of chronic disease and/or decreased functioning and independence. Addressing nutrition risk is challenging given that this age group experiences increased nutritional needs while at the same time experiencing decreased appetite and/or interest in eating. Locally, falls are the leading cause of injury related ER visits, hospitalizations and deaths in adults 65 years and older. Research has shown that being physically active and less sedentary is effective in preventing falls and injuries. Retirement homes are well positioned to implement change. They can:
Through the successful implementation of healthy eating and active living guidelines in retirement homes, seniors can live healthy and enjoyable lives. Healthy Eating GuidelinesOverall GoalRetirement homes promote healthy eating by providing a wide range of nutritious and safe foods in a positive and supportive environment in accordance with the Retirement Homes Act, Canada's food guide (CFG), and A Guide to Eating Well for Older Adults. Healthy MenusHealthy eating principles are followed when planning, preparing and offering healthy menus in retirement homes: Planning
Offering Offer a variety of healthy foods every day. Vegetables and Fruit
Whole Grains
Protein Foods
Healthy Eating EnvironmentCreate an eating environment that promotes health and well-being by:
Healthy HydrationImprove fluid intake of residents by:
Food SafetyCreate a safe food environment by:
Active Living GuidelinesOverall GoalRetirement homes promote active living by providing a wide range of activities and programs in a positive, safe and supportive environment in accordance with the Retirement Home Act and the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for Older Adults. Active Living EnvironmentPromote and adopt a culture of active living where movement and being active is part of daily life.
Sedentary BehaviorPromote and provide opportunities to move more throughout the day.
Canadian Physical Activity GuidelinesThese guidelines provide opportunities for all residents to be active and do exercise in a safe, supportive fun environment. Older adults who participant in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits, including maintenance of good physical and cognitive function. Encourage movement every day and strive to meet the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for adults 65 years and older. Although these guidelines are applicable to all relatively healthy older adults, all residents should be encouraged to do as much as their abilities allow. Any movement is better than none. Keep in mind those who are most limited may benefit the most from physical activity opportunities. The Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for adults 65 years and older suggest:
Application of Healthy Eating and Active Living GuidelinesThese guidelines are voluntary and are available for use in all retirement homes. By helping residents manage or prevent chronic diseases through healthy food choices and being active daily, even at a later stage in life, life can be healthful, enjoyable and productive. For more information, or to access additional resources, please visit, contact the Ottawa Public Health Information Line at 613-580-6744 or send your request by email to ReferencesHealthy Eating
Active Living
Healthy Eating Key Messages |
Start your day with breakfast.Skipping a meal, especially breakfast, will make it hard to get all the nutrients you need each day. Having breakfast provides energy, can help you stay at a healthy weight, and helps maintain blood sugar levels. Some breakfast ideas include: oatmeal with berries and milk; hard-boiled egg with whole grain toast and fresh fruit; yogurt with fruit, nuts and/or granola. Good nutrition is important at any age.Nutrient needs change as you age; older adults need smaller portions but still the same or more vitamins and minerals. Eating nutrient-rich foods will help you get the vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, and fats you need. Healthy eating will also help to prevent or manage heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. Get the most of your calories from nutrient-dense foods, such as: vegetables and fruits, beans and lentils, nuts and seeds, whole grains, dairy products such as milk, yogurt, cheese and lean protein. Drink plenty of fluids.Many older people do not drink enough fluids. As we age, our sense of thirst declines. Also, some medications you can take cause your body to lose fluids. You need to drink whether or not you feel thirsty. Dehydration can lead to constipation, dizziness, headache, or low blood pressure which may lead to a fall. Enjoy plenty of water, milk, juice, soup, and even coffee and tea can contribute to daily fluid intake. Learn about how much fluid you need each day. Eat your veggies…and fruit!Vegetables and fruit taste great and contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre. They also contain antioxidants which may lower your risk of heart disease and cancer. An easy way to get enough vegetables and fruit is to eat them at each meal and snack. At lunch and dinner fill half your plate with vegetables. Choose a variety of vegetables and fruit every day. Add berries or sliced bananas on top of cereal, have a green salad for lunch, cut-up peppers with hummus or grab an apple for your morning or afternoon snack. Build up your bones with calcium and vitamin D.Older adults are at a higher risk for developing osteoporosis; this is when bones get weak and thin. Calcium and vitamin D are good for your bones, and calcium helps your heart, muscles and nerves work properly. It is best to get your calcium from food: milk, fortified soy beverage, yogurt, cheese and canned salmon with bones. If you do not eat a variety of foods high in calcium every day, speak to your health care provider as you may need a calcium supplement. Mission Healthy Bones lists food sources of both calcium and vitamin D. Over 50: Take a vitamin D supplement every day.Vitamin D helps your body use and absorb calcium. It is not naturally found in many foods but it is in fatty fish, egg yolk and liver. That is why vitamin D is added to some foods like cow's milk, some orange juice, soy, almond or rice beverages, and margarine. Health Canada recommends that everyone over the age of 50 should take a daily vitamin D supplement of 400 IU. Talk to your health care provider about taking a vitamin D supplement. Eat enough fibre.Fibre is essential for a healthy digestive system. To avoid constipation and other problems, include fibre-rich foods at every meal. Soluble fibre is especially important for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels. Good sources of fibre include: vegetables and fruits, beans and lentils, whole grains, and nuts, seeds and dried fruit. Stay social – Eating together is better.When you can, enjoy meals with your friends and family. Eating with someone promotes healthy eating and mental health. Social interaction can turn mealtimes into an enjoyable affair, rather than a chore you would rather skip. Make your mealtime special; you will be more likely to eat better and enjoy your meals more. Speak to a Registered Dietitian.If you have any questions or concerns about nutrition and your health, ask a registered dietitian. Telehealth Ontario is a call centre that provides confidential medical advice at no cost. Services are offered in both English and French, with translation support for other languages if needed. Call Telehealth Ontario and ask to speak with a registered dietitian. Available Monday to Friday 9 am-5 pm at 1-866-797-0000 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007). You can also find a registered dietitian in Ottawa by going to Ottawa Public Health Find a Registered Dietitian webpage. How are your eating habits?Find out with Nutri-eSCREEN®! This short questionnaire that will help you find out how you are doing with choosing foods that help you stay healthy and active. You will get a report that tells you what you’re doing well and how you can improve. The report includes healthy eating tips, links to credible nutrition articles, community resources and tools, and delicious healthy recipes. Handwashing for your health.As you age, your immune system weakens, even if you are otherwise healthy and live a healthy lifestyle. Handwashing is a simple way to prevent illness and infections from spreading. Wash your hands: every time you use the washroom, before and after meals, after you cough, blow your nose or sneeze, after handling a pet, and after doing any type of cleaning around the apartment/room. Wash your hands with soap and warm water and air or towel dry. Have hand sanitizer near you in case you do not have access to a sink. |
Active Living Key Messages |
Keep fit and improve your balance by joining a fitness class at your residence.Engage in 150 minutes physical activity every week. It is your best defense against falls. Add strength and balance activities such as the OPH Strength and Balance Exercises, at least two days per week. Ask your physiotherapist, doctor, or recreation staff for advice on exercises that are right for you. Consult your doctor before you start an exercise program. There are great health benefits for older adults who are physically active.These include:
Getting started is easier than you think.For cardiovascular fitness, start with a walking program of 5 minutes of slow walking several times each day, 5 to 6 days a week. Gradually increase to 10 minutes per session, 3 times a day. Before you know, you will have reached the 150 minutes per week guideline for healthy living! Participating in weight-bearing exercises and resistance training at least 2 times a week is a great way to build strong bones and muscles. Include Strength and Balance Exercises at least 2 days a week to prevent falls. To improve your strength and balance, consider joining a group exercise class offered at your retirement home.On days you cannot attend, follow the Ottawa Public Health Strength and Balance Exercises sheets in the exercise area or the comfort of your room. Physical activity is safe for most people.If you have any health concerns, consult with your health care provider before starting a program and find out which exercises are beneficial and safe for you. Join a supervised exercise program before exercising on your own. Prolonged sitting may increase our risk for poor health or falls.Reduce the amount of time spent being sedentary (sitting or lying down). Start by standing more and sitting less. Begin with 5 minutes or whatever you can manage then gradually work up to 30 minutes a day of cardiovascular exercise most days of the week. Move more often every day! Older adults who participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits.More activity provides great health benefits. Aim to be active daily. Over the period of a week, aerobic activity should add up to at least 150 minutes. Include activities to improve muscle strength at least 2 days a week. Incorporate activities to improve balance and co-ordination on at least 2 days a week. Try to minimize the amount of time spent sitting. Frailer, older people should take part in some physical activity daily.Programs, which emphasize balance training, limb co-ordination and muscle strengthening and are tailored to the individual, are safe and effective in reducing the risk of falls among frailer older people. Breaking up long periods of sedentary behaviours, even in those who are chair bound, is highly recommended. Both standing and assisted walking around for a few minutes, slow sit to stand or seated physical activity are recommended. General advice for older adults.
Fall prevention messagesBe ready for your medical appointments.It is important to have a regular check-up with your doctor or nurse practitioner. Before you meet, make a list of the questions you want to ask. Bring your medications and any tests or procedures from specialists you have seen. Before you leave, review what you have discussed. Take notes if needed. Have your eyes checked every year for changes in their health and vision.Keep your room well lit. Use nightlights in hallways, bedroom and bathrooms to maintain even lighting at night. Give your eyes time to adjust when you move from dark to much brighter areas. Be careful on the stairs and curbs if you wear multifocal lenses. Make sure your room is safe.Reduce clutter! Keep your room well lit and free of trip hazards. Remove scatter rugs and loose carpets. Make sure the path is clear between the bedroom and bathroom. Be Medication Wise.Review your medications with your doctor or pharmacist every year. Take your medications as prescribed. Keep a list of all medications you take including vitamins, over-the-counter drugs, and herbal products. Use the same pharmacy for all your prescriptions. Recommendations for establishing good sleep habits.
Links to Online Resources |
The Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL) Exchange is a monthly newsletter for health promoters and educators, professionals, and intermediaries who work in the community to offer high quality healthy eating and active living programs and services for their clients. Content includes: resources to use in your programs and to improve your HEAL knowledge, updates on public health programs, promotion of professional development and community events. Sign up to receive this monthly newsletter.Healthy Eating ResourcesHealthy MenusHealth Canada: Information about the new Canada’s food guide. (Online only) Dietitians of Canada:
Unlock Food: A Guide to Healthy Eating for Older Adults. Includes information on weight gain or loss, breakfast, veggies and fruit, calcium and vitamin D, protein, eating alone, grocery shopping and recipes. Healthy Eating EnvironmentDietitians of Canada: Best Practices for Nutrition, Food Service and Dining in Long Term Care Homes. A working paper that includes a section on Meal Service/Pleasurable Dining that can be applied to a retirement home setting (pages 17-22). Healthy HydrationHamilton Health Sciences: Preventing dehydration in older adults. Tips to increase fluid intake. Finding Balance and Injury Prevention Centre: Hydration Tips for Seniors. Take action to prevent dehydration. (Available in English only) Food SafetyGovernment of Canada: Safe Food Handling for Adults 60+. Tips on reducing the risk of foodborne illness by following safe food-handling and cooking practices. York Region: Food Safety for Older Adults. Tips on the four critical steps in food safety: clean, separate, cook and chill. Active Living ResourcesStrength and Balance Exercise Posters: Strength and balance exercises should be incorporated into ones’ daily routine. Strong muscles and improved balance make it easier to do daily activities and help to prevent falls. Winnipeg In-Motion: Older Adult Exercise video that provides a complete exercise class, including warm-up, cardio, strength, balance and stretching exercises. All exercises are led in both standing and sitting positions. *In-motion Older Adult Exercise DVD’s are available for free. Please call Ottawa Public Health for more information. "You CAN prevent Falls" factsheet [PDF] is available, to assist older adult in making the needed adjustments to their home and lifestyle to help stay independent and safe. It includes a tool to assist in identifying hazards around the home, information about protective health behaviors to reduce personal risk, and an action plan to make changes. The Staying Independent Checklist is a self-screening tool for older adults to find out if they are at risk for falling. Older adults are encouraged to complete the Checklist and to follow-up with their healthcare provider as needed. Active Aging Canada: Active living tip sheets (multi-lingual) and exercise posters for successful aging. Residents and staff can also subscribe to Your Active Aging Minute series that provides a new healthy living tip weekly. The Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging is Canada’s leader in current research and program development for improved physical ability and healthy aging for older adults. Staff may be interested in attending courses or workshops which provide physical activity instruction across the mobility spectrum. Training is periodically offered in the Ottawa area. (Available in English only) Heart Wise Exercise partners with community organizations to develop programming and designate facilities, programs and classes where individuals can exercise regularly to prevent or limit the effects of living with a chronic health condition. |
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