Nutrition Resources

Online Resources 

  • Canada's Food Guide - Tips and tools to help you eat well. Available in 30+ languages.
  • Parenting in Ottawa - Resources and services for parents on pregnancy and children from birth to 18 years.
  • UnlockFood - Wide range of information on food, nutrition, healthy eating and lots of recipes. 
  • Half Your Plate - Information and videos about choosing and preparing vegetables and fruit, eating on a budget, and food storage.
  • 2-1-1 Ontario connects people to community and social resources, including food programs and services across Ontario. This includes cooking classes and facilities, food delivery service, food banks, free/low-cost meals, grow/pick your own food, programs where fresh food products can be purchased and more. 
  • Call Health811 or visit the website - Speak with a dietitian at no cost and no need for referral.

Healthy Eating for Older Adults

Ottawa Public Health - Healthy Eating for Older Adults - Includes tips on eating well as you get older using Canada's food guide, recipes, and information on maintaining healthy bones.

UnlockFood - Healthy Eating as you get older - Factsheets to assist older adults with planning, shopping and preparing healthy meals.

Health Canada - Healthy Eating for Seniors - Various nutrition topics throughout the lifecycle, including food allergies and intolerances, food safety, healthy weights, and more.

Healthy Eating for Children and Youth

Talking to Children About Food 

 Save Money on Food

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