What is genital herpes? |
How could I get this? |
What are the symptoms? |
Primary outbreak symptoms |
Recurrent outbreaks |
The number of outbreaks and the amount of time between outbreaks varies from person to person. Some people may have them frequently and others may have them only rarely. Usually occurs in same area as the primary outbreak. Itching or tingling at site of infection may occur. Less severe and shorter in duration. |
How do I get tested? |
How is it treated? |
Emotional effects of genital herpes |
For many people, a herpes diagnosis can cause a strong emotional response. People may feel anger, embarrassment, worry or guilt. Often, people will feel depression, fear, rejection or isolation. These are very common reactions and will not last forever. It is important to talk about these feelings with someone you trust, such as a health professional, a supportive person in your life or your partner. Many other people have felt the same way. |
Are there complications? |
Rarely, people with genital herpes may spread the virus to other parts of their own body with their hands. Transmission to the eye can be very serious. It is important to wash and dry your hands thoroughly after touching sores or blisters in order to prevent spreading the infection. If you become pregnant, it is important that you tell your health care provider if you or your partner have genital herpes. |
Any infection in the genital area may increase the risk of becoming infected with HIV.
Practicing safer sex by using latex or polyurethane condoms and/or oral dams for oral, anal or vaginal sex can reduce the risk of sexually transmitted and blood borne infections (STBBIs).
Call the Sexual Health Infoline Ontario at 1-800-668-2437 if you have questions or need help.
For more information: www.sexandu.ca
Sexual Health Centre
179 Clarence St, Ottawa. ON K1N5P7
613-234-4641 | TTY: 613-580-9656
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