Immunization related forms for health professionals



Pick up

Vaccine Distribution Room hours are Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. Note: October 14 and November 11 are statutory holidays and the Vaccine Distribution Room will be closed.

  1. Use the Influenza Vaccine Order Form 2024/2025 below from Ottawa Public Health to order vaccine (not the Ministry of Health form).
  2. Place your order by completing the number of doses required on the form. Orders will be filled in the order in which they are received, with priority to high-risk groups. The first auto-shipment will contain a predetermined amount of vaccine shipped to vaccinate high-risk patients. Additional influenza orders can be placed after October 21st. Please allow up to five business days for your order to be processed.
  3. Always reserve some vaccine for persons age 65 years and older, and persons under 65 with medical conditions that put them at high risk for influenza-related complications.
  4. Your clinic/facility will be called when your order is ready. Arrange to pick up your order within 48 hours of notification at the Ottawa Public Health Vaccine Distribution Centre, on the ground floor of 100 Constellation Drive or at 1221 Cyrville Road, based on your clinic/facility location.
  5. Bring your own cooler and two ice packs per cooler.

Vaccine that is not used by your clinic/facility cannot be redistributed. To reduce vaccine wastage, please only order the quantity that you are sure to use within the next two weeks. You can order more vaccine as needed. Return unused vaccine to the Ottawa Public Health Immunization Program once you are finished immunizing for the season using Ottawa Public Health Vaccine Return Form below. 

If you or your staff have any questions regarding this procedure, please contact the Ottawa Public Health Vaccine Distribution Centre at 613-580-6744.

Storage and handling information

Exposure to light, frozen or overheated vaccines may lead to patients experiencing a reduced immune response and/or an increase in local reactions. To avoid unnecessary vaccine wastage you should:

  • Ensure refrigerator temperatures are maintained between 2° to 8° C
    • In cases of power failures, refrigerator doors being left open, frequent opening of the refrigerator doors during clinic hours, or refrigerator malfunction that compromises the cold chain, call Ottawa Public Health 613-580-6744 and ask to be directed to the Vaccine Distribution Centre. A Vaccine Program Coordinator will assess the situation and provide you with further instructions
  • Never administer or discard exposed vaccine. Leave it in the refrigerator, and mark it as having been potentially exposed. Do not use it until the Vaccine Program Coordinator has assessed the situation.
  • Ensure your office vaccine refrigerator is not overstocked, as this may cause temperatures to fluctuate or doors to become ajar
  • Defrost the freezer regularly, as excessive ice build-up can cause temperature fluctuations

Feel free to contact OPH for further information on how to maintain a safe cold chain.

Your ongoing support to maintain the vaccine cold chain will ultimately ensure that potent vaccine is administered to your patients.

Cold chain

Ottawa Public Health's Vaccine Distribution Room ensures that each facility in the city of Ottawa storing publicly funded vaccines follow appropriate storage and handling of vaccines. Ottawa Public Health staff conducts annual visits to each facility to ensure that the refrigerators are maintained at the appropriate temperature and that facility staff record these temperatures on an ongoing basis.

What is "Cold Chain" and why is it important?

Cold chain is the maintenance of vaccines at the appropriate temperature range of + 2 ºC to + 8 ºC from the time the vaccines are manufactured until they are given to a patient.

Cold chain is important because vaccines are sensitive biological substances that can lose their strength and effectiveness if they are exposed to heat and/or direct sunlight. Freezing damages most vaccines. Exposed vaccines can result in a reduced immune response and/or increased local reactions. The loss of vaccine potency cannot be reversed.


Opening Priorix, Priorix Tetra and Varilrix Diluent Ampoules

Order vaccines

Influenza vaccine 

Please note our current processing time is five (5) business days. Please limit your order to a two-week supply to allow for equitable distribution to all providers

This is the average number of business days from receipt of an influenza order to the time it is packed in our fridges. This does not include the delivery time if using a courier to deliver your order.

2024-25 Influenza Vaccine Order Form: 

Influenza consent form

COVID-19 vaccine 

Ottawa Public Health Covid-19 Vaccine Order Form 

Publicly funded vaccines for Ontario

Please note our current processing time is five (5) business days

This is the average number of business days from receipt of a regular order to the time it is packed in our fridges. This does not include the delivery time if using a courier to deliver your order.

Additional Information

High risk vaccines

To order vaccine for high risk patients, fax completed form to 613-580-2783. Eligibility criteria are listed on each form.

School-based vaccines  

Health care providers can order the school-based vaccines for their clinic(s) using the following form:  

It is important that healthcare providers keep a record of individuals who have been vaccinated, as well provide parent(s) and/or guardian(s) or individuals with details of the vaccination(s). Parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are responsible for updating Ottawa Public Health every time their child gets immunized. 

Infant and High-Risk Children RSV Prevention Program

Rapid Antigen Tests

Local health care partners and community agencies who provide health care services to Ottawa residents can use this link to find if they are eligible to access free rapid antigen tests: Provincial Antigen Screening Program | COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario.

For more information on rapid antigen tests, the following resource is available:

Reporting forms

Adverse events following immunization (AEFI) reporting form
This AEFI Reporting Form should only be submitted by a healthcare provider. If you believe you have experienced, or are currently experiencing, unexpected symptoms after receiving your vaccine, please speak to your family doctor or other primary healthcare provider. If you have any questions, phone 613-580-6744 for more information.

If this is an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

Complete the form (Having trouble opening the PDF form? Download and save the form directly onto your device.)

Submit the filled form:

Upload online


If you are unable to use the online submission option, you may fax to Ottawa Public Health at 613-580-9660 

Resources for AEFIs

Vaccine return form

When returning vaccines to Ottawa Public Health, please complete the form and include a copy with vaccines being returned

 Exemption forms

Immunization of School Pupils Act
 Statement of Medical Exemption – COVID-19 Vaccine

Medical exemptions are no longer required to be recorded in an individual’s COVaxON record. If an individual’s personal circumstances (e.g., health conditions, travel, employment requirements, participation in a clinical trial) warrants the need for medical documentation indicating vaccination exemption, the individual should follow-up with their healthcare provider, occupational health department or clinical trial principal investigator to request the necessary documentation.


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