Print Resources

For Substance Use Health Resources (Opioids, cannabis, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and stigma), visit the Mental Health and Substance Use Health Services and Resources webpage.


Resource Name and Target Audience

Resource Description

Athletic Mouthguard (pdf - 109 KB)

For general population

Information on importance of mouth protection during physical activities.

Baby Teeth Are Important (pdf - 344 KB)

For parents with children from one to five years old

Information on dental health for parents and caregivers of young children, including tips on good oral hygiene and nutrition.

More information is available in our Parenting in Ottawa page.

Cannabis and Oral Health (pdf - 94 KB)

For general population

Information on the link between dental health and cannabis.

Dental Health for Seniors (pdf - 308 KB)

For older adults

Information on dental health for older adults, including tips on good oral hygiene and nutrition.

Early Childhood Tooth Decay (pdf - 334 KB)

For parents with children from one to five years old

Information on early childhood tooth decay, its causes and how to prevent it.

Fluoride (pdf - 69 KB)

For general population

Information on the importance of fluoride for dental health, including the correct amount of fluoridated toothpaste to use at different ages.

Fluoride Varnish (pdf - 120 KB)

For general population

Information on the importance of fluoride varnish for dental health.

Gum Disease and Diabetes (pdf - 88 KB)

For adults with diabetes

Information on the link between gum disease and diabetes, the stages of gum disease, and how to prevent and control it.

Healthy Smiles for Young Children (18 to 36 months old) (pdf - 278 KB)
For health professionals

Screening tool to help to detect dental problems.  It allows you to get treatment for a child sooner. Dental health is important for a child's health and school readiness.

Non-Food Rewards (pdf - 241 KB)
For teachers and educators

Information on non-food rewards in schools.

Oral Piercing (pdf - 282 KB)

For general population

 Information on oral piercings and impact on oral health.

Pit & Fissure Sealants (pdf - 461 KB)

For general population

Information on pit and fissure scellants.

Pregnancy & Oral Health (pdf - 317 KB)

For general population

Information on pregnancy and oral health.

School Screenings (pdf - 183 KB)
For teachers and educators

Information on dental screenings in schools.

Snacking and Dental Health (pdf - 255 KB)

For general population

Information on how sugar and plaque cause dental cavities and on things to consider when snacking, including healthy snack ideas.

More information is available in our oral health resources page.

Tooth Injury (pdf - 223 KB)
For teachers and educators

Information on managing tooth injuries.

Toothbrush Log (140 KB)
For teachers and educators

Tooth brushing calendar log

Fall prevention

This fall prevention one hour online learning module is designed to give anyone working with older adults such as personal support workers, volunteers, friends and family, or older adults who support others close to them, valuable information regarding falls and fall prevention.

This training is based on current literature, the Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum and best practices in fall prevention.

City of Ottawa ulearn: Falls and Older Adults

Older Adult Resources:
The "You CAN prevent Falls" factsheet [PDF] is available, to assist older adult in making the needed adjustments to their home and lifestyle to help stay independent and safe. It includes a tool to assist in identifying hazards around the home, information about protective health behaviours to reduce personal risk, and an action plan to make changes

The "Staying Independent Checklist" [PDF] is intended to be used by older adults to complete a self-screening for falls risk.

Hand hygiene
Extreme Heat Events
Info and tools for health care providers on the dangers of extreme heat, and how to properly prevent, diagnosis and treat heat-related illnesses.

Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care: Guidance Document for the Management of Suspected Rabies Exposures
This document is in support of the Rabies Prevention and Control Protocol, 2008 (or as current) under the Ontario Public Health Standards.

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