Reporting outbreaks to Ottawa Public Health

A Child Care Setting should report an outbreak of illness to Ottawa Public Health (OPH)

When there are three or more cases (children or staff) of gastrointestinal illness (e.g. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) within a program, group, or the entire setting in a three day period, even if cases occurred at home


When your child care setting absenteeism rate increases above what the setting would typically experience and the absences are not perceived to be linked to other factors such as holidays, the operator/owner should notify OPH.


If there are one or more case(s) of a reportable enteric disease in the setting as per the Guidelines for Communicable Disease and Other Childhood Health Issues for Schools and Child Care Centres.

When an outbreak is suspected, follow the guidance in the Infection prevention and control measures during outbreaks section below.

Reporting to OPH

If you are uncertain if you have an outbreak, call OPH Outbreak Reporting Line at 613-580-6744 ext 26325, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or 3-1-1 after hours.

Do you have children absent with other illnesses?

Refer to the Guidelines for Communicable Disease and Other Childhood Health Issues for Schools and Child Care Centres

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