have THAT talk About Racism

Racism is a public health issue that is experienced worldwide.Canada’s Indigenous populations and communities of different racial backgrounds report experiences of discrimination due to race.  Learn about the impacts of racism on health and how you can be an ally.

have THAT talk about Racism 

Talking about racism can be hard for some people. Learn about how racism impacts health and how you can start the conversation with your youth.

Have THAT talk about racism activity guide
Have THAT talk about racism activity guide (PDF - 396 KB)
For more information on racism, or if you would like support, please visit:
Racism is a public health issue that is experienced worldwide. 

Canada’s Indigenous populations and communities of different racial backgrounds report experiences of discrimination due to race. 

So, what is racism?     

Racism is prejudice, oppression, and discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.   

Racism can be experienced at work, school, or in our communities on a day-to-day basis and it can take different forms. 

Let’s look at some of the different ways in which people experience racism.....  

Some people have assumptions or beliefs that may result in bias and prejudice. Some may not know they have these assumptions but it affects the person’s attitude and the way they perceive and interact with people from other races.  

 On the other hand, racism causes disadvantage to Indigenous and racialized groups because of biases embedded into policies and practices. This is referred to as “Systemic Racism”. 

Experiencing racism can impact the physical and mental health of Indigenous and Racialized communities. 

Racism can cause chronic stress, anxiety, depression and trauma. It prevents access to secure employment, education and healthcare leading to poor quality of life. 

Let’s look at an example:  

 This is Kwame/Abdi.  Kwame/Abdi went to the mall with two friends to buy a video game after school.  He noticed a security guard following him and his friends around the store.  When leaving the store, he was approached by security guard who asked to see what was inside his bag.  Kwame/Abdi’s friends were not stopped or searched, and neither were other customers who did not look like him.  Kwame/Abdi was confused and felt embarrassed that he was being publicly accused of something while everyone else got to walk out of the store without a question.  Days after the incident, Kwame/Abdi began to isolate himself; he avoided going to malls and shops unless absolutely necessary; and he began to experience nightmares and flashbacks of the incident at the store.  

Kwame’s/Abdi’s father spoke to his son about the changes he has seen and asked what changed. Kwame shared his story. His father was sad and disappointed to hear about his son’s experience. He acknowledged Kwame’s/Abdi’s feelings and reassured his son that it’s ok not to be ok after his experience and that he did nothing wrong. Kwame/Abdi’s father discussed with him things he can do to feel better and can help protect his mental health.  

Remember you are not alone. 

Take time to process your feelings and talk about it with someone you trust. 

These incidents happen to racialized and Indigenous people and it is wrong and unfair. 

 Recognize that you don’t have control over stressful events like this. But what you can control is how you respond, and manage your feelings through self-care. 

Practice positive self-talk and think of yourself in a positive way.  

Think about things that helped you cope in the past; talking to an ally; playing sports; going for nature walks; eating well and getting enough sleep. 

You may be a parent who is wondering how you can talk to your child or teen about racism.  One of the things you can do is to start talking to children about racism early and often.  

This should be an open and ongoing dialogue.  

Share your history and your lived experiences coping with similar situations 

Provide messages that promote self-esteem and self-acceptance. 

Surround yourself and your family with allies who can listen and support you during this difficult time. 

You might be feeling like Kwame/Abdi.  

Feeling this way is ok when experiencing traumatic events like racism and discrimination. Having a strong support network and talking openly about these experiences with people you trust can help you work through feelings of stress, frustration, and anger. If these feelings continue, please know that you are not alone and you should talk to a healthcare professional. Check out the link at the end of this video for local mental health resources. 

 And if you have never experienced or witnessed racism, you can be an ally …Go to haveTHATtalk.ca to check out our video on “How to be an Ally.”  

You will also find information on mental health and when and where to get help…. check out haveTHATtalk.ca 

 “If racism was constructed, it can be undone.”  We all have a responsibility to speak up against injustices   

Brought to you by Ottawa Public Health

Parlons du racisme 

Parler de racisme peut être difficile pour certaines personnes. Découvrez comment le racisme affecte la santé et comment vous pouvez entamer la conversation avec vos jeunes.

Le racisme est un problème de santé publique qui se pose dans le monde entier.  

Les populations autochtones du Canada et les communautés de différentes origines raciales font face à la discrimination fondée sur la race. 

Alors, qu’est-ce que le racisme?   

Le racisme est un préjugé, une oppression et une discrimination à l’égard d’une personne de race différente, fondée sur la croyance que sa propre race est supérieure.   

Le racisme peut être vécu au quotidien au travail, à l’école ou dans nos communautés, et il peut prendre différentes formes.  

Examinons quelques-unes des différentes façons dont les gens vivent le racisme...   

Certaines personnes ont des suppositions ou des croyances qui peuvent donner lieu à des partialités et des préjugés. Certains ne savent peut-être pas qu’ils adoptent ces suppositions, mais cela a une incidence sur l’attitude de la personne et la façon dont elle perçoit les personnes d’autres races et interagit avec elles.   

D’autre part, le racisme cause des désavantages aux groupes autochtones et racialisés en raison de partialités ancrés dans les politiques et les pratiques. Ce phénomène s’appelle « racisme systémique ».  

Vivre le racisme peut avoir des répercussions sur la santé physique et mentale des communautés autochtones et racialisées.  

Le racisme peut causer du stress chronique, de l’anxiété, de la dépression et des traumatismes. Il empêche d’accéder à un emploi sûr, à l’éducation et à des soins de santé, ce qui entraîne une mauvaise qualité de vie.  

Voyons un exemple.   

Voici Kwame. Kwame est allé au centre commercial avec un de ces amis pour acheter un jeu vidéo après l’école. Kwame a remarqué qu’un agent de sécurité les suivait autour du magasin. En quittant le magasin, Kwame a été approché par l’agent de sécurité qui lui a demandé de voir ce qu’il y avait dans son sac. L'ami de Kwame ainsi que les autres clients qui ne lui ressemblaient pas n’ont pas été arrêtés ni fouillés. Kwame était confus et se sentait embarrassé d’être accusé publiquement de quelque chose alors que tout le monde sortait du magasin sans être questionner. Quelques jours après l’incident, Kwame a commencé à s’isoler; il évitait de se rendre dans les centres commerciaux et les magasins, sauf si cela était absolument nécessaire. Il a ensuite commencé à faire des cauchemars et à vivre des rappels des images de l’incident au magasin.  

La mère de Kwame a parlé à son fils des changements qu’il a observé et lui a demandé ce qui avait changé. Kwame a raconté son histoire. Sa mère était triste et déçue d’apprendre ce qui s’est passé. Elle a reconnu les sentiments de Kwame et l’a rassuré qu’il est permis de ne pas se sentir bien après cette expérience et qu’il n’avait rien fait de mal. La mère de Kwame a discuté avec lui ce qu’il peut faire pour se sentir mieux et protéger sa santé mentale.  

  •  Rappelez-vous, vous n’êtes pas seul. 
  • Prenez le temps de reconnaitre vos sentiments et d’en parler avec quelqu’un en qui vous avez confiance. 

  • Ces incidents se produisent chez les personnes racialisées et Autochtones et sont inacceptables et injustes. 

  • Reconnaissez que vous n’avez pas le contrôle sur des événements stressants comme celui-ci. Par contre, ce que vous pouvez contrôler, c’est la façon dont vous réagissez et gérez vos sentiments en prenant soin de vous. 

  • Pratiquez un discours intérieur positif et pensez positivement de vous-même.  

  • Pensez aux choses qui vous ont aidé à rebondir dans le passé comme: parler à un allié; faire du sport; faire des promenades dans la nature; manger santé et dormir suffisamment. 

Vous être peut-être un parent qui se demande comment vous pouvez parler du racisme à votre enfant ou à votre adolescent. Une des choses que vous pouvez faire est de commencer à parler aux enfants du racisme tôt et souvent.  

  • Le dialogue devrait être ouvert et continu.  

  • Partagez votre histoire et les expériences que vous avez vécues face à des situations semblables. 

  • Transmettez des messages qui favorisent l’estime de soi et l’acceptation de soi. 

  • Entourez-vous et votre famille des alliés qui peuvent vous écouter et vous soutenir pendant cette période difficile. 

Vous vous sentez peut-être comme Kwame  

Il est correct de se sentir ainsi lorsque l’on vit des événements traumatisants comme le racisme et la discrimination. Le fait d’avoir un réseau de soutien solide et de parler ouvertement de ces expériences avec des personnes en qui vous avez confiance peut vous aider à apaiser les sentiments de stress, de frustration et de colère. Si ces sentiments persistent, sachez que vous n’êtes pas seul et que vous devriez en parler à un professionnel de la santé. Consultez le lien à la fin de cette vidéo pour les ressources locales en santé mentale.  

Et si vous n’avez jamais été victime ou témoin de racisme, Eh bien, vous pouvez être un allié... Consultez notre site   tempsdenparler.ca pour regarder notre vidéo sur « Comment être un allié ».  

Vous trouverez également de l’information sur la santé mentale et quand et où obtenir de l'aide…. Consultez tempsdenparler.ca  


« Si le racisme a été construit, il peut être défait. » Nous avons tous la responsabilité de dénoncer les injustices.  

Offert par Santé publique Ottawa  




























  • 记住你并不孤单。 

  • 花点时间来处理你的感受和情绪,并与你信任的人讨论。 

  • 这些发生在有色族裔和土著居民身上的事件,是错误和不公平的。 

  • 认识到你无法控制诸如此类的有压力的事件。但是你能控制的是你的应对方式,以及通过自我保健来管理自己的情绪 

  • 练习积极的自我对话,并以积极的方式审视自己。 

  • 想想过去曾帮助你应对压力的方法;与盟友交谈;做体育运动;去大自然散步;吃好睡足。 



  • 这应该是公开和持续的对话。 

  • 分享你的故事和你应对类似情况的生活经历 

  • 提供培养自尊和自我接受的讯息。 

  • 在困难时期,可以找些愿意倾听和支持你的朋友来陪伴你和你的家人。 





你从未经历过或目睹过种族主义吗?好吧,你可以成为盟友…… haveTHATtalk.ca网站观看我们关于“如何成为盟友”的视频。 







Ka hadal cunsuriyada 

Ka hadlaka cunsuriyadu way adagtahay.  Wax ka baro sidey cunsuriyadu caafimaadka halis ugu tahay iyo sidaad wadahalka ula bilaabi karto dhalinyaradaada. 

Cunsuriyaddu waa arrin caafimaad dadweyne oo aduunka oo dhan laga soo maray. Dadka asliga ah ee

Kanada iyo dadka asal ahaan ka soo kala jeeda jinsiyado kala duwan ama wadano kale

ka yimid, waxay ka warbixiyaan dhibaatoyinka ay kala kulmeen.

Haddaba, waa maxay cunsuriyaddu oo halkan looga yaqaan Racism?

Cunsuriyaddu ama Racism waa iska-nebcaansho, dulmi, iyo dhibaato lagula kaco qof jinsi kale ah ama qof midabkale ah oo laga dhigo in laga sarreeyo.

Cunsuriyadda waxaa lagula kulmi karaa shaqada, iskuulka, ama bulshooyinkeenna dhexdooda oo waa wax markasta dhici kara.

Bal aynu eegno qaar ka mid ah siyaabaha kala duwan ee dadku ula kulmaan cunsuriyadda .....

Dadka qaarkood waxay leeyihiin waxyaabo ay aaminsanyihiin oo keeni kara eex iyo iska-nebcaansho. Qaarkood waxa laga yaabaa inaanay ogeyn inay qabaan naceyb laakiin waxay badali dabeecadda qofka iyo sida ay u arkaan iyo sida ay ula dhaqmaan dadka kasoo jeeda jinsiyadaha kale.

Dhinaca kale, cunsuriyaddu waxay sababtaa faa'iido darro xagga dadka asalka ah ee Kanada iyo dadka madow sababtoo ah eexooyin ku dhex jira siyaasadaha iyo dhaqamada.

Cunsuriyadda waxay dhaawac u geyn kartaa caafimaadka jidhka iyo maskaxda ee bulshooyinka asliga ah ee Kanda iyo dadka madowba. Cunsuriyaddu waxay sababi kartaa isku-buuq iyo cadaadis, warwar, waaac, niyad jab iyo xusuus-naxdin leh. Waxay is- hortaagtaa helitaanka shaqo wanagsan, waxbarasho iyo daryeelka caafimaad oo waxay keeni kartaa nolol liidata.

Aynu eegno tusaale: 

Kani waa Cabdi. Cabdi wuxuu tagey suuqa isaga iyo labo saaxiibadii ah si ay u soo iibsadaan fiidiyoow ciyaarta iskuulka ka dib. Tukaanka dhexdiisa, Cabdi wuxuu arkay waardiye isaga iyo saaxiibadii daba socda. Markii uu tukaanka ka baxaayay, waxaa kasoo daba daqaaqey waardiyihii oo ka codsaday inuu eego waxa ku jira boorsadiisa. Lakkin cabdi saaxiibadiis lama joojin lamana baadhin. Cabdi wuu wareeray wuxuuna dareemay xishood waayo dadkii tukaanka ayaa daawanayay si uu isagu khalad galay. Dadkii kale oo dhan wax su'aal ah lama weydiin. Dhowr cisho ka dib, Cadi wuxuu bilaabay inuu gooni qolkiisa ugu jiro; inuu suuqa ubaxin; iyo inuu asxaabtiisii iska fogeeyo. Wuxuuna bilaabay inuu la kulmo riyooyin dib u xasuusinayaa wuxuu tukaanka uu kala kulmay.

Cabdi hooyadiis ayaa wiilkiisa kala hadlay isbadalada uu arkay wuxuuna waydiiyay waxa iska beddelay dabeecadiisa. Cabdi ayaa sheekadii ku dhacday la wadaagay hooyadis. Hoyadii way murugootay oo way ka xumaatay markay maqashay waxa ku dhacay wiilkeeda. Waxay qirtey dareenka Cabdi waxeyna xaqiijisey wiilkeeda inuu wuxuu dareemayo ay caadi tahay maadaama dhibaato ay soo martay. Waxay wiilkeed u sheegtay in inuusan wax khalad ah sameyn.

Kwame/Cabdi waalidkiisa ayaa kala hadlay waxyaabo uu sameyn karo si uu u dareemo wax fiican iyo sida uu u caawin karo ilaalinta caafimaadkiisa maskaxeed.

  • Xusuusnow kaligaa ma tihid
  • Waqti qaado si aad uga shaqeyso dareenkaaga oo kala hadal qof aad ku kalsoon tahay.
  • Waxyaabahani dadka asalka ah ee Kanada iyo dadka madow way ku dhacdaa waana wax khalad ah xaqna aheyn
  • Aqoonso in waxyaabhan ay dhici karaan oo waxba aanad ka sameyn kareyn. Laakiin sidaad ula dhiqmi laheyd ayay wax ka qaban kartaa.
  • Tijaabi inaad nafta u sheegto waxyaabo fiican (positive) adigoo naftaada ugu fakiraaya si fiican.
  • Ka fakir waxyaalihii kaa caawiyay wakhti aad walaac la kulantay; qof la hadal; isboorti ciyaarid; dibada lugee; cunto fiican cun, hurdo kugu filana seexo

Waxaad noqon kartaa waalid ka fekeraya sida aad ugala hadli karto ilmahaaga ama dhallintaada midabtakoorka. Mid ka mid ah waxyaabaha aad sameyn karto waa inaad bilowdo inaad carruurta kala hadasho cunsuriyadda ama racism markay yar yihiin iyo mar walba.

  • Tani waa inay noqotaa wadahadal furan oo socda.
  • La wadaag taariikhdaada iyo waaya-aragnimadii aad la soo kulantay iyo sidaad uga gudubtay xaaladahan oo kale
  • Kalsoonida ilmahaaga dhis
  • Isku duub qoyskaagaba ama asxaabtaada ku caawin kara inta lagu jiro waqtigan adag

Waxaad dareemi kartaa sida Cabdi.

Dareenka sidan ahi waa ok markii lala kulmayo wax naxdin xusuus leh sida cunsuriyadda ama racism. Waxaa ku caawin kara dadka ku jecel ee arimahan aad kala hadli kartin. Haddii war war iyo walaac uu kugu bato, fadlan ogow inaadan keli ahayn oo waa inaad la hadasho xirfadle daryeel caafimaad. Ka hubi xiriiriyaha dhammaadka fiidiyowgan

Hadaad garaneysid dad aanan soo marin cunsuriyad ama racism, u sheeg waxay noqon karaan tageerayaal ama “Ally” ka hortagi kro cunsuriyada. Tag xagga haveTHATtalk.ca si aad uga fiiriso fiidiyow ku saabsan "Sida loo noqdo taagero am Ally"

Wixii macluumaad dheeraad ah ee ku saabsan caafimaadka maskaxda, booqo bogga Caafimaadka Dadweynaha Ottawa ee Caafimaadka Maskaxda


Waxa kuu keenay Hey’ada Caafimaadka Dadweynaha Ottawa

تحدث عن العنصرية 

قد يكون الحديث عن العنصرية صعبًا على بعض الناس. تعرف على كيفية تأثير العنصرية على الصحة وكيف يمكنك بدء المحادثة مع أبنائك.

 .العنصرية هي قضية  تخص الصحة العامة ويتم اختبارها في جميع أنحاء العالم. يُبلغ السكان الأصليون في كندا والمجتمعات العرقية عن تعرضهم للتمييز العنصري 

إذن ما هي العنصرية؟ 


.العنصرية هي التحيز والقمع والتمييز الموجه ضد شخص من عرق مختلف بناءً على الاعتقاد بأن عرق المرء هو الأفضل


.يمكن التعرض للعنصرية في العمل أو المدرسة أو في مجتمعاتنا على أساس يومي ويمكن أن تتخذ العنصرية أشكالًا مختلفة

.....دعونا نلقي نظرة على بعض الطرق المختلفة التي يختبر بها الناس العنصرية 

لدى بعض الناس افتراضات أو معتقدات قد تؤدي إلى التحيز والتعصب. قد لا يعرف البعض أن لديهم هذه الافتراضات ولكنها تؤثر على موقف الشخص والطريقة التي يفكر بها ويتفاعل بها مع أشخاص من أعراق أخرى

"من ناحية أخرى، تتسبب العنصرية في الإضرار بالمجتمعات الأصلية والعرقية بسبب التحيزات المُدمجة  في سياسات وممارسات المنظمات المحلية. يشار إلى هذا باسم "العنصرية النظامية


يمكن أن يؤثر التعرض للعنصرية على الصحة البدنية والعقلية للمجتمعات الأصلية والعرقية. يمكن أن تسبب العنصرية التوتر المزمن والقلق والاكتئاب والصدمات.  كما تمنع العنصرية الوصول إلى فرص العمل والتعليم والرعاية الصحية مما يؤدي إلى تدني نوعية الحياة


:لنلقي نظرة على مثال

هذه فاطمة. ذهبت فاطمة إلى المركز التجاري مع صديقتها لشراء بعض الأشياء. لاحظت فاطمة وجود حارس أمن يتبعها حول المتجر. عند مغادرة المتجر، اقترب منها حارس الأمن وطلب معرفة ما بداخل حقيبتها. لم يتم إيقاف صديقة فاطمة أو تفتيشها ولا العملاء الآخرين الذين لا يشبهونها. ارتبكت فاطمة وشعرت بالحرج لأنها اتهمت علانية بشيء بينما كان الجميع يخرجون من المتجر دون أن يتم إيقافهم . بعد أيام من الحادث، بدأت فاطمة في عزل نفسها؛ كما تجنبت الذهاب إلى مراكز التسوق والمحلات التجارية ما لم تكن هناك ضرورة قصوى؛ وبدأت تعيش بعض الكوابيس وتسترجع حادث المتجر


تحدثت والدة فاطمة مع ابنتها عن التغيرات التي لاحظتها وسألتها عما سبب هذا التغير.  شاركت فاطمة قصتها . شعرت والدتها بالحزن وخيبة الأمل لسماع تجربة ابنتها. اعترفت بمشاعر فاطمة وطمأنتها أنه لا بأس بألا تكون بخير وأنها لم ترتكب أي خطأ. 


ناقشت والدة فاطمة معها الأشياء التي يمكنها القيام بها لتشعر بتحسن وتساعدها في حماية صحتها العقلية 

تذكري، أنت لست وحدك. 

خذي وقتًا لمعالجة مشاعرك وعواطفك وتحدثي عنها مع شخص تثقين به. 

تقع هذه الحوادث للمجتمعات ذات الخلفيات العرقية والسكان الأصليين وهي خاطئة وغير عادلة. 

اعلمي أنه ليس لديك سيطرة على الأحداث السلبية مثل العنصرية. لكن يمكنك التحكم في كيفية تفاعلك مع هذه الأحداث، وتحكمك بمشاعرك من خلال الرعاية الذاتية 

تدربي على الحديث الإيجابي عن الذات وفكري في نفسك بطريقة إيجابية. 

فكري في الأشياء التي ساعدتك على التأقلم في الماضي؛ كالتحدث إلى شخص تثقين به؛ ممارسة الرياضة؛ الذهاب للتنزه في الطبيعة؛ الأكل الصحي والحصول على قسط كافٍ من النوم. 

قد تكون والدًا يتساءل كيف يمكنك التحدث مع طفلك أو ابنك المراهق عن العنصرية. أحد الأشياء التي يمكنك القيام بها هو البدء في التحدث مع الأطفال حول العنصرية مبكرا وبشكل مستمر. 

من المهم أن يكون الحوار مفتوحًا ومستمرًا.  

شارك ماضيك وخبراتك التي عشتها في التعامل مع مواقف مماثلة 

 قدم رسائل تعزز احترام وقبول الذات. 

أحط نفسك وعائلتك بأشخاص يمكنهم الاستماع إليك ودعمك خلال هذا الوقت الصعب. 


.قد تشعر مثل فاطمة

الشعور بهذه الطريقة شيء منتظر عند التعرض لأحداث صادمة مثل العنصرية والتمييز. إن وجود شبكة دعم قوية والتحدث بصراحة عن هذه التجارب مع الأشخاص الذين تثق بهم يمكن أن يساعدك في التغلب على مشاعر التوتر والإحباط والغضب. إذا استمرت هذه المشاعر، يرجى العلم أنك لست وحدك وأنه يمكنك التحدث إلى أخصائي الرعاية الصحية. تحقق من الرابط في نهاية هذا الفيديو لموارد الصحة العقلية المحلية

وإذا لم تختبر أو تشهد العنصرية من قبل، فيمكنك أن تلعب دورا مهما بأن تكون حليفًا... اذهب إلى haveTHATtalk.ca لمشاهدة مقطع الفيديو الخاص بنا حول "كيف تكون حليفًا

haveTHATtalk.ca ستجد أيضاً معلومات حول الصحة العقلية  ومتى وأين تحصل على المساعدة... تفضل بزيارة صفحة 

إذا تم بناء العنصرية ، فيمكن التراجع عنها." تقع على عاتقنا جميعًا مسؤولية رفع صوتنا ضد الظلم" 

مقدم لكم من قبل الصحة العامة في أوتاوا  

How to be an Ally? 

Learn steps and strategies to support others experiencing racism and discrimination.

Do you want to be an ally? Activity Guide
Do you want to be an ally? Activity Guide (PDF - 342 KB)
Have you never experienced or witnessed racism? Well, you can be an ally  

"If racism was constructed, it can be undone” and we all have a role to play in undoing racism!

Allies are people who are not subject to racism but who actively try to stop it in solidarity with people of color.  

How can I be an ally?  

Whether you are a member of a racialized group or not, there are steps that you can take to be a better ally to people who experience racism.  

Be an ally in 3 steps:  

The first step is to Reflect:   

Question stereotypes & negative assumptions  

Be aware of your own prejudices. Ask yourself: if this racialized person was white, would I behave in the same way?  

Think about the ways you benefit from being a member of a privileged group  


The second step is to Learn:  

Listen to the experiences of people of color  

Respect the perspectives of those who say discrimination is occurring  

Ask people how they want to be identified or described  

Learn about the history of racism and how current behaviors, practices, and laws impact people of color  

Be open to feedback - learn from your mistakes & try again  

The third step is to Practice:  

Children begin to notice racial and ethnic differences between the ages of 3 and 5.  Celebrate the differences and when a child asks why someone looks different, respond with positivity. 

Help your family and friends understanding stereotypes and why they exist 

Speak out against discrimination by identifying discrimination, prejudice, and other forms of oppression while it is happening 

Confront the perpetrator, this can be done by:  

make the invisible visible, by pointing out the false assumptions in someone’s statements  

educate the person on why their words or actions are harmful  

Discourage the use of offensive words to describe people  

Create safe spaces for people to talk about racism without judging, questioning, or trying to fix anything  

Challenge practices & policies that may create barriers 

For more haveTHATtalk videos including Ottawa Public Health’s “have THAT talk about Racism,” visit haveTHATtalk.ca   

For more information on mental health resources and services available to the community, visit Ottawa Public Health’s Mental Health page www.ottawapublichealth.ca/mentalhealth  


What is Racism?  

Learn about myths and misconceptions related to racism. 

What is Racism and What are Microaggressions? Activity Guide
What is Racism and What are Microaggressions? Activity Guide (PDF - 472 KB)
For more information on racism, or if you would like support, please visit:
 Have you ever heard someone say?....  

 “Where are you from?” “Where are you really from?” 

“Were you forced to wear that and do you even have hair under there?” 

“I don’t get it. I don’t see colour.”

Did you know these comments are a form of racism? 

Let us define racism.    

Racism is a prejudice, oppression, and discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s race is superior.

Racism can be experienced anywhere.  It can be “implicit or unconscious” which means that some people don’t know they hold negative assumptions about people from different races. These assumptions affect the way they interact with other races. A person can also openly express their prejudice towards someone of a different race which is “explicit or conscious”. 

Both are unfair treatments and have negative impact on the lives of Indigenous and racialized groups.  

Racism can cause stress, trauma and can lead to physical injury such as racially motivated violence. It limits access to employment, education and healthcare.   

Let’s look at few myth busting examples! 

 Racism is about hateful actions and words. 

This is a myth 

Racism is more than someone calling a person of color by a terrible name. It is seen in differences in pay, housing discrimination, mortgage lending, school segregation, and rates of policing and incarceration.  

 White privilege does not exist  

This is a myth 

White privilege gives certain groups unearned advantages of which they may not be aware. Examples include: 

Having a positive relationship with police and school authority; and having media favorably biased toward a specific race  


Every life matters, but not everyone’s lives are in danger due to their skin color. Indigenous and black lives are most threatened and lost

Fact! Indigenous and Black Lives Matter

For more haveTHATtalk videos including Ottawa Public Health’s “have THAT talk About Racism,” visit haveTHATtalk.ca   

For more information on mental health resources and services available to the community, visit Ottawa Public Health’s Mental Health page www.ottawapublichealth.ca/mentalhealth  


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