Last revised: August 8, 2023
Multilingual mental health videos
Are you looking for ways to help your mental health during this challenging time? Please watch these videos for ideas of ways to support your mental health and that of your loved ones. These videos are available in English, French, Somali, Arabic and Mandarin.
A number of things can affect your mental health and cause stress. Find out what you can do to cope and be more resilient.
Certaines choses peuvent nuire à notre santé mentale et entrainer du stress. Découvrez ce que vous pouvez faire pour faire face et être plus résilient.
يوجد العديد من العوامل التي يمكن أن تؤثر على صحتك النفسية وتسبب التوتر. . اكتشف ما يمكنك فعله للتعامل مع الوضع وتخطي الضغوطات
Waxyaabo badan ayaa beddeli kara caafimaadkaaga maskaxda oo war-war keeni kara. Baro dhamaanteen waxaan sameyn karno si aan uga gudubno caqaabadaha nolosha ee dhibaatooyinka keeni kara.
If you or someone you know is struggling, there is help in our community. Here is some information about where to get help and things you can do to stay mentally well.
Some services are available in Somali, Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese and Spanish as well as English and French.
Visit our Mental Health, Additions & Substance Use Health Services and Resource web page and our section for newcomer and diverse populations for more information and resources tailored to support diverse communities.
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