Second-hand smoke, smoke-free spaces and the law

New: As of November 30th, 2024, all retailers selling vapour products will be required to obtain a business licence from the City of Ottawa. For information on how to apply for a business licence and other requirements of tobacco and vapour product retailers, please visit the Tobacco and Vapour Product Retailers Licence page.

Last revised: December 6, 2024

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017) regulates the sale, supply, display and promotion of tobacco, as well as workplaces and public places to protect workers and the public from second-hand smoke and vapour.

Smoking refers to the smoking or holding of lit tobacco or cannabis. Vaping refers to inhaling or exhaling vapour from an electronic cigarette or holding an activated electronic cigarette, whether or not the vapour contains nicotine.

To help reduce youth access to tobacco and vapour products, and ensure specified public places and workplaces are smoke and vapour-free, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care directs all Public Health Units to enforce the SFOA, 2017. Within the city of Ottawa, this is done through inspections and enforcement activities by the Tobacco Enforcement Officers (TEOs) from By-law and Regulatory Services. The TEOs also respond to complaints and under the SFOA 2017, the TEOs have the authority to lay charges when necessary.

For more information on the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, please visit the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s website at For help to reduce or quit smoking, call Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or visit their website for more services.

Youth Education Modules E-course is now available!

Second-hand smoke facts

There is no safe level of second-hand smoke.

Second-hand smoke affects the health of everyone, especially children and the elderly. Second-hand smoke can worsen the health of those with asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions and is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

Ready to reduce your tobacco use or quit altogether?

Community supports are available our Services in Ottawa to help people quit smoking webpage.

Second-Hand Smoke Facts

Second-hand smoke (SHS) is the smoke exhaled by a smoker as well as the smoke from the burning tobacco. It contains more than 4,000 dangerous chemicals, 70 of which cause cancer.

There is no safe level of exposure, even outdoors. Exposure to second-hand smoke (SHS) can be as dangerous on restaurant patios, the beach or park as it is indoors. Cigarette butts can also contaminate sandboxes and beaches.

Studies show that smoke-free spaces can dramatically reduce heart attack rates and respiratory illnesses. Smoke-free spaces can:

  • protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of SHS
  • help smokers to quit
  • encourage former smokers to remain smoke-free
  • protect children from starting to smoke by providing good role models
  • reduce litter
Are you exposed to your neighbour's second-hand smoke?

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act prohibits smoking tobacco and cannabis (medicinal and recreation) in common areas of condominiums, apartment buildings and college and university residences. Examples of common areas include elevators, stairwells, hallways, parking garages, laundry facilities, lobbies, exercise areas and party or entertainment rooms.

Second-hand smoke can easily transfer between units and can expose you to harmful second-hand smoke in your home. To learn how you can protect yourself from second-hand smoke, visit Smoke Free Housing Ontario

Schools and the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA), 2017 - Frequently asked questions

The new Youth Education Modules E-course is now available! Learn about commercial tobacco, e-cigarettes, cannabis and the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA), 2017. These new modules are designed to be used either as a preventative learning exercise, or as an alternative learning opportunity for students who have been caught smoking and/or vaping on school property.

Many school administrators have asked for clarifications on the Smoke-Free Ontario Act (SFOA), 2017 as it pertains to schools and school properties. As a result, the following section has been developed to provide information and to help support the school administrators.

Complete the school incident report form

General provisions of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017

What is the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA)?

The SFOA, 2017 is a provincial law that regulates where smoking and vaping can take place (including cannabis), regulates the sale of tobacco and vaping products, and addresses the use of tobacco and vaping products in Ontario.

What does the SFOA say about the use of tobacco and vaping products on school property?
  • The SFOA prohibits smoking and vaping in any public and private school, including all indoor space, outdoor grounds and public areas within 20 metres of the school’s grounds.
  • The SFOA applies 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
What specifically is prohibited?
  • The SFOA prohibits anyone from smoking (or holding any lighted tobacco product) and vaping (or holding an activated e-cigarette) on school property. Tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, blunt wraps, pipes and roll your own cigarettes made of loose cut tobacco.
  • The SFOA prohibits selling or supplying any tobacco and/or vaping product to someone under the age of 19 years old.
What is considered school property?
  • School property includes the school building itself, any additional buildings related to the operation of the school, the property upon which the school building and additional buildings are located, play fields, parking lots and any other such facilities associated with the use of the property as a school.
  • School property does not include adjoining private properties, or the municipal right of way associated with any nearby streets.
What about vehicles?
  • Once any vehicle drives onto school property smoking or vaping are prohibited inside the vehicle.
  • Additionally, SFOA prohibits smoking and vaping in a motor vehicle if there is someone less than 16 years old in the vehicle. It applies to both moving and stationary vehicles, and applies to motor vehicles, regardless of whether any window, sunroof, door or other feature of the vehicle is open.
Is possession of tobacco or vaping products by someone under the age of 19 years legal?
  • The SFOA doesn’t prohibit the possession of any tobacco and vapour products by someone under the age of 19 years old. However, to sell or supply a tobacco or vapour product to someone under the age of 19 years old is an offense and the person selling and/or supplying the tobacco or vaping product can be charged under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017.
  • Someone giving a tobacco or a vapour product to someone else without any exchange of money would be considered supplying (e.g., a student sharing or giving another student a cigarette).
Who could be charged for smoking or vaping on school property?
  • Anyone smoking or holding lit tobacco or inhaling/exhaling vapour from an electronic cigarette or holding an activated e-cigarette on school property at any time can be charged, including a student, a teacher or school board employee, a contractor, a visitor, a parent or a guardian.
  • Anyone smoking or vaping inside a vehicle situated on school property.
What are the obligations of school administrators re: compliance with the SFOA?
  • Ensure that SFOA signs are posted on all exits and entrances providing access or potential access to the school building or additional buildings.
  • Ensure that SFOA signs are posted in or on all washrooms in the school.
  • Advise all students, staff, parents and visitors that smoking and vaping are not permitted on school property twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Ensure that a person who does not comply with the “no smoking/no vaping” regulations does not remain on school grounds.
What can happen if a school administrator doesn’t follow their obligations under the SFOA?

A school administrator, as well as any employer or operator of the school in question could be charged for not following the noted obligations.

Are schools permitted to set up a “smoking/vaping area” for students or staff?
  • No. The SFOA does not permit a school to set up a smoking/vaping area on school property.
  • If a smoking area is set up on school property, school administrators may be charged under the SFOA, in addition to any persons found smoking/vaping in the area.
What if the violator is a non-student?
  • If you encounter a non-student smoking or vaping on school property, advise the person that smoking and vaping are not allowed on school property and give them the option of either putting out the tobacco or the vaping product, or leaving school property.
  • Should the person refuse to either put out the tobacco or the vaping product or leave school property, have the witness to the violation fill out a School Incident Report form with as much information as possible and an assigned Tobacco Enforcement Officer will follow up action.
What are the set fines under the SFOA?
  • Smoking or vaping on school property: $305.
  • Selling any tobacco or vaping product to someone under the age of 19 years old : $490.
  • Supplying any tobacco or vaping product to someone under the age of 19 years old : $490.
  • Smoking or vaping inside a vehicle situated on school property : $305.
  • Court costs and victim surcharges are included to the charges above.

Enforcement Protocol for School Administrators

What can a school administrator do if a student violates the SFOA?
  • While the tobacco enforcement officers (TEOs) are responsible for ensuring compliance of the SFOA, a school administrator may wish to try and address this issue initially within the confines of the school.
    • Please note that unless the violation is reported as per the School Incident Report form, data for the number of violations at your school cannot be captured. This will result in a discrepancy between the number of “actual violations” and “reported violations”.
    • If you are hoping to address the issue internally, but still wish to ensure the data is captured, you can complete the School Incident Report form and choose the option “Data reporting only; no enforcement action required” located in the first section of the eform. Through this approach the data will be captured, and the incident report will be documented.
  • The school administration can develop an internal progressive discipline policy and work with the student within that discipline policy. 
    • If you choose to refer future violation to the Tobacco Enforcement Officers, it is recommended that you provide all related documents (e.g., internal actions) to the Officer pertaining to all previous incidents with the respective student at your school.  This information will be helpful to determine next steps and build off the actions the school has already attempted.
  • If a school administration is of the view that the violation would be better addressed by a tobacco enforcement officer,
    • Report the incident by completing the School Incident Report form and the assigned Tobacco Enforcement Officer will follow-up as soon as conveniently possible, in which point the school administrator and the TEO can assess the next steps.
What is an “internal progressive discipline policy”?
  • As per the Ontario Ministry of Education, an internal progressive discipline policy is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of prevention programs, interventions, supports, and consequences to address inappropriate student behavior and to build upon strategies that promote and foster healthy relationships, making good choices, continuing their learning, and achieving success.
  • Many school boards have their own internal progressive discipline policy. Please consult your respective school board internal policies for further information.
  • If you require support in the review or the creation of an internal progressive discipline policy, please reach out to
When a School Incident Report form is submitted, is it possible to request a copy of the information for the school’s records?

Once the form is submitted, the Tobacco Enforcement Officers receive a truncated version of the form which will not be shareable with the original sender. We therefore cannot provide a copy of the submitted form back to the school. If the school staff submitting the form wishes to retain a copy of the information submitted for their own files, they would be responsible to print the computer screen content prior to submitting the form.

Can school administrators submit more than one person observed on the same School Incident Report form?
  • As per the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the City of Ottawa (including Ottawa Public Health and By-law and Regulatory Services) must protect the personal privacy and follow rules and guidelines in collecting, using and disclosing, to others, personal information. If there are charges laid, the information provided in the School Incident Report form is part of the court proceedings for that one person observed and charged, and any other party’s information cannot be on the same form, as there would be a risk of a possible violation of MFIPPA.
  • Even if the smoking/vaping incident involved multiple students, the school administrators will need to complete and to submit a School Incident Report form for each of the person observed.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact

Smoke-free and vapour-free regulations

Learn where smoking tobacco, cannabis and vaping is prohibited in Ottawa. The table below indicates all smoke-free and vapour-free regulations on private and public property for the city of Ottawa.


No Smoking/No Vaping

City of Ottawa parks and playgrounds

Smoking and Vaping (By-law No. 2019-241)

*Includes water pipes with tobacco or herbal

City of Ottawa sports fields and their seating area

Smoking and Vaping (By-law No. 2019-241)

*Includes water pipes with tobacco or herbal

*Smoking/vaping is also prohibited 20 m from sports fields under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act

City of Ottawa beaches

Smoking and Vaping (By-law No. 2019-241)

*Includes water pipes with tobacco or herbal

Municipal property

Smoking and Vaping (By-law No. 2019-241)

*Includes water pipes with tobacco or herbal

Parkdale and ByWard Markets

Smoking and Vaping (By-law No. 2019-241)

*Includes water pipes with tobacco or herbal

Construction sites

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

(Only inside the enclosed spaces)

Hospital property

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/vaping prohibited on any outdoor hospital grounds or psychiatric facility grounds


Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Includes water pipes with tobacco or herbal

*Smoking/vaping prohibited within 9 metres from the perimeter of a patio under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act

Festivals, fairs and events

Smoking and Vaping (By-law No. 2019-241)

*Smoking/vaping is prohibited on City of Ottawa property, including water pipe smoking with tobacco or herbal

Post-secondary campuses

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/vaping prohibited inside workplaces and public places.

*Smoking/vaping prohibited on and within 20 metres of sports fields

Elementary and secondary school property

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/Vaping prohibited in any public or private school’s:

  • Indoor space
  • Outdoor grounds, including playgrounds, parking lots, and sport fields
  • Public areas within 20 metres of the school’s grounds

Childcare Centres, Home Childcare and Early Years Program

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/vaping prohibited in a childcare centre, a place where home childcare is provided, or a place where an early years program or service is provided.

OC Transpo property

City of Ottawa Transit By-law 2007-286

Enclosed workplaces and public spaces

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/vaping prohibited in an enclosed workplace and enclosed public place, even when the workplace/public place is closed

Work vehicles

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/vaping prohibited in a vehicle that an employee uses for work purposes.

Vehicles with someone less than 16 years old present

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/vaping prohibited in a vehicle if there is someone less than 16 years old in the vehicle.

Multi-unit housing

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/vaping prohibited in common areas of multi-unit housing, including lobbies, hallways, stairwells and elevators.

*Individual property owners may have additional restrictions

Inside of hotels, motels and bed and breakfasts

Smoke-Free Ontario Act

*Smoking/vaping prohibited in common areas, including lobbies, hallways, stairwells and elevators.

*Individual hotels may have additional restrictions

The smoke-free and vapour-free regulations apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Report a smoking and/or a vaping violation

Enclosed workplaces, public places, and other designated places

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 does not permit smoking (tobacco or cannabis) and vaping of any substance in enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places in Ontario to protect workers and the public from second-hand smoke and vapour.

For more information, please review the following fact sheets:

Further details on this regulation can be found on the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (Government of Ontario) website.

Report a tobacco and/or a vaping violation

Report smoking and/or vaping in public or a workplace

To report a smoking and/or a vaping violation, please select from the following list of locations or situations:

Smoking/vaping at a city facility/property
Smoking/vaping in a common area
Smoking/vaping at a hospital or long term care facility
Smoking/vaping at restaurant, bar, patio
Smoking and/or vaping at school
Smoking shisha/hookah
Smoking/vaping in the workplace violation

Please note that By-law and Regulatory Services will do their best to have a By-law Enforcement Officer and/or a Tobacco Enforcement Officer attend your location, although it may not be possible for one to arrive in time. Ottawa Public Health and BLRS are, however, tracking all reported violations of the smoke-free regulations. By-law Enforcement Officers and Tobacco Enforcement Officers can conduct focused enforcement efforts based on data collected from public complaints and from staff reports as well.

For more information

Please refer to the City of Ottawa’s Smoking and Vaping (By-law No. 2019-241) and the government of Ontario’s “Where you can’t smoke or vape in Ontario” site for more information.

Report tobacco or vapour product sales to minors

The sale of tobacco and vapour products, including in-store placement and advertising, is regulated by the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.

Report tobacco and vapour product retail sales to minors

Please note that By-law and Regulatory Services will do their best to have a By-law Enforcement Officer and/or a Tobacco Enforcement Officer attend your location, although it may not be possible for one to arrive in time. Ottawa Public Health and BLRS are, however, tracking all reported violations of the smoke-free regulations By-law Enforcement Officers and Tobacco Enforcement Officers can conduct focused enforcement efforts based on data collected from public complaints and from staff reports as well.

For more information

Please refer to Ottawa Public Health’s Tobacco, vaping and hookah page for more information.

Report tobacco and vapour product retail signage violation

The sale of tobacco products, including in-store placement and advertising, is regulated by the Smoke-Free Ontario Act.

Report tobacco and/or vapour product retail signage violation

Please note that By-law and Regulatory Services will do their best to have a By-law Enforcement Officer and/or a Tobacco Enforcement Officer attend your location, although it may not be possible for one to arrive in time. Ottawa Public Health and BLRS are, however, tracking all reported violations of the smoke-free regulations and the information provided will help them to determine problem areas within the City. With this information, By-law Enforcement Officers and Tobacco Enforcement Officers can conduct focused enforcement efforts based on data collected from public complaints and from staff reports as well.

For more information

Please refer to Ottawa Public Health’s Tobacco, vaping and hookah page for more information.

Request smoke-free and vapour-free signage

Request smoke-free and vapour-free signage

Enclosed workplaces and public places

Sign indicating no smoking and no vaping

Dual No Smoking, No Vaping Sticker

  • For enclosed workplaces and public places
  • 15 x 20 cm
  • Available as a sticker (sticky back) or window decal (sticky front)
 Sign indicating no smoking and no vaping  

Dual No Smoking, No Vaping Outdoor Metal Sign

  • For enclosed workplaces and public place
  • 25 x 30 cm
 No smoking symbol

No smoking sticker

  • For enclosed workplaces and public places
  • 10 x 10 cm
 No vaping sign

Electronic Cigarette Sign

  • For enclosed workplaces and public places
  • 10 x 10 cm
Tobacco and vapour product retailers
Sign indicating government ID with a photo and birth date must be shown when requested, and that you must be 19 years of age or older to purchase tobacco products.

 Tobacco vendor small sign

  • 2 stickers must be posted at the point of sale:
    • 1 facing the customer
    • 1 facing the clerk
  • For best results, place the sticker on a vertical surface
  • 9 x 18 cm
Sign indicating tobacco products are addictive, kill 50% of long-term smokers, and that it is illegal to sell or supply cigarettes to someone under the age of 19.

 Tobacco vendor large sign

  • 1 sticker must be posted visible by customer at the point of sale
  • 18 x 35 cm
Sign indicating government ID with a photo and birth date must be shown when requested, and that you must be 19 years of age or older to purchase e-cigarettes products.  Vapour product vendor small sign
  • 2 stickers must be posted at the point of sale:
    • 1 facing the customer
    • 1 facing the clerk
  • For best results, place the sticker on a vertical surface
  • 9 x 18 cm
Sign indicating that it is illegal to sell or supply e-cigarettes to someone under the age of 19. Vapour product vendor large sign
  • 1 sticker must be posted visible by customer at the point of sale
  • 18 x 35 cm
Information for retailers and specialty stores

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA,2017) regulates the sale, supply, display and promotion of tobacco products and vapour products, as well as the smoking of tobacco, the use of electronic cigarettes, and the smoking of cannabis.

Retailers that sell tobacco and vapour products have a legal responsibility to ensure that they and their employees understand and comply with the requirements under the SFOA, 2017.

This guide is intended for owners and employees of retail businesses that sell tobacco products, tobacco product accessories, and/or vapour products. It is intended to help you understand the requirements of the SFOA, 2017 regarding the sale, supply, display and promotion of tobacco products and vapour products, as well as smoking and vaping restrictions for enclosed workplaces and enclosed public places.

Nothing in this guide should be interpreted as legal advice. In the event of a conflict between any information in this guide and the provisions in the SFOA, 2017 or its regulation, the SFOA, 2017 and its regulations supersedes this guide.

View the Guide for Retailers

Information on permits and licences for tobacco and vapour products retailers

Tobacco products retailers

Tobacco products retailers must have a tobacco retail dealer’s permit issued by the Ministry of Finance’s Account Management and Collections Branch to sell tobacco products to consumers in Ontario.

If you need a tobacco retail dealer's permit, you may apply by mail using the Application for Tobacco Retail Dealer's Permit.

Tobacco products retailers in Ottawa are also required to have a tobacco vendor licence for any business selling tobacco products. The Tobacco Vendor Licence must be renewed annually before November 30th. Please visit the City’s Tobacco and Vapour Product Retailers Licence page for more details.

If you are currently registered as a Tobacconist with the Ottawa Board of Health, the owner is required to obtain a Tobacco Vendor Licence and maintain the store’s registration with Ottawa Board of Health.

To register as a tobacconist for a specific location, please complete the online form and submit to Ottawa Public Health via

New: Vapour products retailers

As of November 30, 2024, all retailers selling vapour products will need to obtain a business licence from the City of Ottawa.

Updated licensing categories and associated annual licensing fees are set out in the table below:

Licensing categories and fees
Licence CategoryAnnual Licence Fee

Tobacco Product Retailer

(selling tobacco products only)


New Vapour Product Retailer

(selling vapour products only)


New Tobacco and Vapour Products Retailer

(selling both tobacco and vapour products)


For information on how to apply for a business licence and other requirements of tobacco and vapour product retailers, please visit the City’s Tobacco and Vapour Product Retailers Licence page. Questions regarding licence applications and enforcement of the regulations can be directed to

If you are currently registered as a Specialty Vape Store with the Ottawa Board of Health, the owner is required to obtain the City’s new Vapour Product Licence and maintain the store’s registration with Ottawa Board of Health.

To register as a specialty vape store, please complete the online form and submit to Ottawa Public Health via

Specialty vape store registration

A Specialty Vape Store is a retail establishment that primarily sells vapour products under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017).

Specialty Vape Stores are required to be registered with Ottawa Public Health (OPH). Any changes to the original application must be reported to Ottawa Public Health by contacting A change in address or store ownership requires a new application to be submitted.

For information on legislative requirements for Specialty Vape Stores consult the Ministry of Health’s “Rules for selling tobacco and vapour products” page, and for more information about the registration process, visit the Ministry of Health’s “Guidelines for registration as a specialty vape store” page. 

How the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (also known as the Act) affects you

Retailers of tobacco and vapour products

The Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 regulates the sale and supply of tobacco and vapour products, and the display and promotion of tobacco products, tobacco product accessories, and vapour products.

For more information, please review the following fact sheets:

Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 public disclosure of tobacco and vapour products sales offences

Disclaimer Regarding Automatic Prohibition

Prospective buyers of tobacco retail dealer premises are strongly encouraged to contact the local Public Health Unit to confirm premises conviction history. A premises with two or more tobacco sales convictions against any owner (past or present) at that address within a five-year period is subject to a Notice of Prohibition Against the Sale, Storage and Delivery of Tobacco Products (known as an automatic prohibition or “AP”).

Section 22 of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017) states that upon becoming aware that there are two or more convictions against any owner for tobacco sales offences committed at the same place within a five-year period, the Ministry of Health (MOH) shall notify the owner(s) or occupant of the place that the sale, storage, and delivery of tobacco products is prohibited at the place.

The MOH accepts requests from Public Health Units for automatic prohibitions where owner(s) of the business was/were convicted of tobacco sales offences on two occasions within a five year period. The SFOA, 2017 convictions report published on Public Health Units’ websites lists all owner related tobacco sales convictions that are eligible for an automatic prohibition. Please note that automatic prohibitions do not apply to vapour products sales convictions.

Public disclosure of tobacco and vapour products sales offences
Operating nameLegal nameAddressConviction dateSectionSection details
M and G Chip Wagon Zahalan's Zahalan, Akel

1077 Bank St., Ottawa K1S 3W9

January 7, 2019 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
March Convenience March Convenience

700 March Rd., Kanata K2K 2V9

December 17, 2019  3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Petro Canada 1197767 Ontario LTD.

690 Hunt Club Rd., Ottawa K1V 1C3

August 12, 2019 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a
person who is less than 19 years old
Public disclosure of tobacco and vapour products sales offences
Operating nameLegal nameAddressConviction dateSectionSection details
Around the Corner Around the Corner

130 Albert St., Ottawa K1P 6E2

February 20, 2020 3 (1) Sell vapour product to
a person who is less than 19 years old
Public disclosure of tobacco and vapour products sales offences
Operating nameLegal nameAddressConviction dateSectionSection details
Brittany Variety Store Brittany Variety Store 230 Brittany Dr., Ottawa K1K 0R6 June 21, 2021 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Brittany Variety Store Brittany Variety Store 230 Brittany Dr., Ottawa K1K 0R6 June 21, 2021 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Jump Street 9856242 Canada Inc.

189 Rideau St., Ottawa K1N 5X8

September 3, 2021 8 Offer to distribute improperly packaged tobacco
Smoke Effex Control Wear

1980 Robertson Rd.,  Nepean K2H 5B9

May 25, 2021 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Public disclosure of tobacco and vapour products sales offences
Operating nameLegal nameAddressConviction dateSectionSection details
Ainee's Convenience Ainee's Convenience 1016 Pleasant Park Rd., Ottawa K1G 2A1 June 5, 2022 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Bong Parlour Bong Parlour 255 Montreal Rd., Vanier K1L 6C4 June 5, 2022 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Esso Mr. Gas Limited 4042 Innes Rd., Gloucester K1C 1T1 July 11, 2022 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Food Frenz 10752592 Canada Inc. 275 Laurier Ave., East Ottawa K1N 6P7 September 20, 2022 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Grey Feather Enery Limited 11380290 Canada Inc. 4270 Innes Rd., Cumberland K4A 5E6 August 27, 2022 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Hetco Saffaa Energy Group Inc. 654 Montreal Rd., Ottawa K1K 0T3 December 30, 2022 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Hookah Masterz 12738783 Canada Inc. 4 Lorry Greenberg Dr., Ottawa K1G 5H6 December 17, 2022 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Joe's Smoke Shop Joe's Smoke Shop 1076 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa K1K 3B4 June 30, 2022 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
King Vapes 2812200 Ontario Inc. 34 McArthur Ave., Vanier K1L 6R2 August 28, 2022 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Maggy's Vape 12224089 Canada Inc. 8154 Jeanne D'Arc Blvd., Gloucester K1E 2H5 August 26, 2022 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Michel's Tobacco and Variety Michel's Tobacco and Variety 262 Dalhousie St., Ottawa K1N 7E4 August 10, 2022 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Ottawa South Groceteria 7908897 Canada Inc. 431 Sunnyside Ave., Ottawa K1S 0S6 August 10, 2022 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Ottawa South Groceteria 7908897 Canada Inc. 431 Sunnyside Ave., Ottawa K1S 0S6 May 16, 2022 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Petro Canada 1213475 Ontario Inc. 4000 Riverside Dr., Ottawa K1V 2E8 November 25, 2022 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Stinson and Son LTD Econo Gas 3934 Innes Rd.,  Gloucester K1C 1T1 September 30, 2022 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old


Public disclosure of tobacco and vapour products sales offences
Operating nameLegal nameAddressConviction dateSectionSection details
All Season Boutique and Souvenir All Season Boutique and Souvenir 101 Lyon St., Ottawa K1R 7Y5 September 1, 2023 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Barney's Pizza Barney's Pizza 2843 Dumaurier Ave., Ottawa K2B 7W3 December 1, 2023 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Bong Parlour Bong Parlour 255 Montreal Rd., Vanier K1L 6C4 September 4, 2023 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged vapour product
Bong Parlour Bong Parlour 255 Montreal Rd., Vanier K1L 6C4 September 4, 2023 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Buck or Two Plus! 1364264 Ontario Limited 100 Bayshore Dr., Nepean K2B 8C1 November 28, 2023 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Ceci Cela Convenience Store Ceci Cela Convenience Store 50 O'Connor St., Ottawa K1P 6L2 December 8, 2023 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
DeliKat Cafe DeliKat Cafe Inc. 277 Sparks St., Ottawa K1R 7X9 November 6, 2023 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Donna's Friendly Store Donna's Friendly Store 157 Cathcart St., Ottawa K1N 5C1 January 17, 2023 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Food Basics Metro Ontario Inc. 5703 Hazeldean Rd., Stittsville K2S 0P6 August 10, 2023 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Iris Food Mart 1803695 Ontario Inc. 1121 Cobden Rd., Ottawa K2C 2Z1 April 10, 2023  8 Offer to sell improperly packaged vapour product
Iris Food Mart 1803695 Ontario Inc. 1121 Cobden Rd., Ottawa K2C 2Z1 April 10, 2023 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Kaz Kitchen Kaz Hospitality Inc. 207 Guigues Ave., Ottawa K1N 5J3 January 8, 2023 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
King Vapes 2812200 Ontario Inc. 34 McArthur Ave., Vanier K1L 6R2 March 27, 2023 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Loblaws Loblaws Supermarkets Ltd. 1980 Ogilvie Rd., Ottawa K1J 9L3 November 2. 2023 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Maggy's Mart 1770946 Ontario Inc. 8154 Jeanne D'Arc Blvd., Gloucester K1E 2H5 November 24, 2023 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged vapour product
Michel's Tobacco & Variety Michel's Tobacco & Variety 262 Dalhousie St.,  Ottawa K1N 7E4 January 17, 2023 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Shell 5010316 Ontario Inc. 2770 Iris St., Ottawa K2C 1E6 December 18, 2023 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Super Convenience Stores Super Convenience Stores 25 Tapiola Cres.,  Ottawa K1T 2J7 August 23, 2023 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged vapour product
Urban Lane 13917037 Canada Inc. 50 Rideau St., Ottawa K1N 9J7 August 22, 2023 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Vape 189 12188732 Canada Inc. 189 Rideau St., Ottawa K1N 9P1 February 14, 2023 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Vapeasy Vapeasy Inc.  1800 Bank St., Ottawa K1V 7Y6 November 25, 2023 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Vapingstory and Smoke Inc. Vapingstory and Smoke Inc. 613 Somerset St., West Ottawa K1R 5K3 June 9, 2023 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged vapour product
W.O. Stinson W.O. Stinson & Son Ltd. 4726 Bank St., Ottawa K1T 3W7 July 13, 2023 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Public disclosure of tobacco and vapour products sales offences
Operating nameLegal nameAddressConviction dateSectionSection details
Abbas Grocery 512989 Ontario Limited 344 Bell ST South, Ottawa K1S 4K4 March 31, 2024 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Ambleside Tuck Shop 1000428417 Ontario Ltd. 1081 Ambleside Dr., Ottawa K2B 8C8 March 6, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Cosmo Mart Cosmo Mart Convenience Store 170 Lees Ave., Ottawa K1S 5G5 January 17, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Domestic Food Domestic Food 595 Gladstone Ave., Ottawa K1R 5P2 March 25, 2024 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Etcetera Mart 5026719 Ontario Ltd. 210 Bank St., Ottawa K1V 1J5 January 25, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Gateway Newstand Gateway Newstand (#321) 99 Metcalfe St., Ottawa K1P 6L7 March 13, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Hasty Market 2673901 Ontario Ltd. 2361 Carling Ave., Ottawa K2B 7G7 July 11, 2024 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
I Do Vape 15047501 Canada Inc. 368 Bank St., Ottawa K2P 1Y4 January 19, 2024 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Jasmin Market Jasmin Market 335 Lacasse St., Ottawa K1L 7A8 April 15, 2024 3 (1) Supply tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
LX & LZ Variety Joler Ltd. 440 Gloucester St., Ottawa K1R 7T8 May 21, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
NN Spot Plus NN Spot Plus 407 Laurier Ave., West Ottawa K1R 7Y7 August 22, 2024 8 Offer to sell improperly packaged tobacco
Prince of Wales Market 13045722 Canada Inc. 1896 Prince of Wales Dr., Ottawa K2C 3W9 January 17, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Remac Confectionary Remac Confectionary 487 Cumberland St., Ottawa K1N 7K1 April 8, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Shefield Express Sarahelias Inc. 50 Rideau St., Ottawa K1N 9J7 April 18, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
The Harbour Store 7181213 Canada Inc. 2391 Fitzroy Rd., Fitzroy Harbour K0A 1X0 February 16, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
The Harbour Store 2766194 Ontario Inc. 2391 Fitzroy Rd., Fitzroy Harbour K0A 1X0 March 11, 2024 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
The Harbour Store 2766194 Ontario Inc. 2391 Fitzroy Rd., Fitzroy Harbour K0A 1X0 March 11, 2024 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old
Ultramar 1000133706 Ontario Inc. 1543 Merivale Rd., Nepean K2G 1V4 July 18, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Westgate News Westgate News 1309 Carling Ave., Ottawa K1Z 7L3 February 22, 2024 3 (1) Sell tobacco to a person who is less than 19 years old
Zodiac Vape 1000704706 Ontario Inc. 1642 Merivale Rd., Nepean K2G 4A1 April 29, 2024 3 (1) Sell vapour product to a person who is less than 19 years old

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